Production does not retake automatically if max cap is set and stock goes below max cap

Hello, this is the behavior I’m experiencing. If I set a max number of objects to be created (for example, let’s say I set max firewood = 200), when I reach the total amount of 200+ firewood in stock, the production halts as intended. But if the stock goes again below 200, production remains stopped, causing over time unavoidable shortage if I don’t manage it manually.

Currently, the only way to have the production again when still keeping the max number, is to set the limit from 200 to 201 (and then back again if I want 200). So I need to edit the max number.

This shouldn’t be the way max cap should work, it should retake the production automatically when the stock goes below the cap.

That’s an easy one: you have to set a minimum as well. Right below the input for “Max” is a field for “Min” which ist set to “automatically” as default. You can put in “100” and the production will start on 99.

Little Tipp: don’t set the values to close to each other or workers will start an stop a lot which decreases productivity. Woodsplitter produce 12 firewood from one wood. So mayby set it to 400/200

Kind regards

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Thanks a lot!

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