Promote a Grim Dawn Streamer Thread

Hey, if you are bored and can accurately describe things in twitch chat (with delay) come on over here

they are basically as lost as possible with all side quests to do.

It was funny watching Quin69 play. So many quests not done lol.

They were intentionally bypassing all the side quest. They are learning and it looks like they work well together. Interesting to watch it develop from the perspective of a brand new player. It might be a good idea for Crate to watch some newbies play their game as they are tweaking and balancing it. The opinions and ideas of the veterans may well be biases due to playing the game for over a year, knowing what has been and what has changed and having nearly every nook and cranny memorized. Watching these two guys and a girl play areas for the first time was kind of enlightening for me.

Glad to read this. It is why I posted. I was watching them in their previous session and found myself jealous of how it would be to be in the game for the first time again. That and the fact that they seemed to really appreciate the game right away.

And, I got on the channel originally when Rhis moved his audience to it, so the devs are watching, and maybe even taking notes. Do not worry.

Anyway, feel free to make a thread on here whenever you find a good stream that needs some attention.

This guy is doing a nice job streaming, has a lot of viewers, but nobody in chat.

Feel free to visit and help him out.

Guys check out Ceno’s stream :smiley:

he does a great job.

Rhis has decided that we should revert GD back to build 0. If anyone does not believe me, check his stream NOW!

just listen to your heart man

Watching a streamer right now…come join me if you can while I fix some bugs.

This one is fun. First timer on GD with lots of commentary

Got another noob on twitch looking for viewers if you have time to spare.

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gonna necro this sticky thread:


obligatory copy/paste invite link

Not promoting a stream (although he does have one), rather, a particular video:

Kinetic GTR’s Grim Dawn Ultimate Starter Guide and 10 Tips for Beginners


If all that wood got you horny for some Gladiator Crucible MP runs

We can keep the bridge jokes running.

fun guys to watch :slight_smile:

some of these posts are from so long ago.

is anyone here still active or know of active streamers!?

i’d personally enjoy some company streaming. and would also like to see how other vets build their toons and such. i’d love to see this community come alive