Hi, guys! One of the coolest features in Grim Dawn is the devotions system. And tier 3 constellations are key for builds performance. With change to Abomination I can say there are no more really weak devotions, but there are some underused, because they are either outclassed or route is suboptimal. So here are some propositions about changes.
Oleron -Hard to justify using it in Physical builds, 20 purple, weakest color is expensive cost and Oleron isn’t even impressive. For pierce is little bit more used, but no must pick devo. So…
Proc is really strange. Pierce damage shouldn’t be there. Pierce builds already have full or almost full conversion. So it’s wasted.
12 flat RR is useless. Most physical builds have Soldier and RR is not stacking with War Cry. Make it 25 global flat.
Attack Seru-Aether builds want Spear of Heaven +DG or Aeon combo. Tri-Elemental can have multiple T3 procs or go Blind Sage. Seru is basically used only in Bonemonger builds.
Constellation don’t have OA or crit damage. You can add one of the two or both.
Increase %damage for first two nodes from 80% to 100%
Empyrion-Change proc to being hit, instead current state, hit by melee attack.
Vire-Add flat physical or trauma on upper right node. Vire is really niche constellation, S&B non retaliation physical build.
Tree of life-Very good constellation btw. But casters/pet builds are using it most of the time. Please add somewhere 4% physical resistance.
Korvaak-So good, but again is niche, since most archetypes have their own constellations, which are better. Please increase %all damage boost.
Agree with Oleron. The damage on proc should be changed into phus damage, also adding some OA/DA would be great. Increase the rr to 30. Also, 5-15% crit damage won’t hit cuz phys/pierce builds never swim in it.
More, buffing that whole sector with these stats will look nice.
As for Attack Seru, it seems to be very strange constellation - trying to be aether as well, but placed far from Spear and almost never used.
Oleron pierce to phys - agree, no questions there. RR adjustment? I’m not sure. It’s not gonna be that great even at 25 for soldier since most phys soldiers wanna be that tanky mofo so warcry is a must, tho it decreases the RR downtime. Phys shielded oathkeepers have smash
Attak seru is basically Oleron in elemental form. It’s not really bad, but you need a lot of purple to get it.
Tree - it’s tree of life, not tree of toughness. Just add more hp lul.
Oleron physical RR can be used as 2h/DW Opressor and Sentinel only. That’s why am proposing global flat, which can be used with bleeding and pierce builds.
Agree about Oleron and Seru. Oleron most of the times doesn’t really make sense. Physical builds are already constricted by having to proc Assassin’s Mark on a Critical Hit so having another devotion with very low cd that procs on Crit too is very ineffecient. Compare that to physical setups that have like Azraaka or Empyrion in it - much better stats all across the board, easier to proc which results in better performance across the board. Oleron has to be something special to go for it.
Empyrion - yes, it has been brought up before. Niche devotion, very expensive, proc should definitely just be when hit instead of when hit by melee attacks.
Attak seru is fine. The node is good, the proc is as good as elemental seeker. The problem lies on the purple constellation itself. Especially that purple Devo don’t give meaningful stats to elemental, mostly in green. I am against buffing it, I would rather for crate to give better stats to purple instead.
EDIT: also, I can’t really see how aether can be good by going purple. I think better just make it as pure elemental and give it elemental DoT and +%elementsl DoT in the nodes and proc.
Oleron is having the same problem. Though it’s a bit better because most of purple Devo is quite inline with physical. Changing the proc to full physical is good. Increase the flat RR to 25 and making it global, not sure.
Yes to Empyrion. The current RR value of Oleron is strange and doesn’t make sense.
Another option for Oleron could be change the RR from reduced target’s to - X% Physical? I don’t know maybe that would be too much. The three damage types on the proc always left me scratching my head
I thought it was gonna be phys flat, but it makes me more doubtful about the proposed change. It’ll give pierce a huge source of RR that isn’t limited to a glove piece. It’s gonna skyrocket the damage of pierce nightblades, which in turn will also give benefit to the weaker pierce builds. Now here’s the thing - once this happens there will be calls to nerf the strongest pierce builds, Zantai listens, which affects the weaker pierce builds. People (you know these guys) will then trash crate either for the collateral damage and limiting creativity (that’s one group) or because their favorite belgo build just got unplayable when in fact it’s still good (another group of people). Then we’re back to square one but with more drama and rants.
@x1x1x1x2 , you have a point. But it could be higher physical RR, ok. And when you start being the sensible guy? Or you have been seduced by the dark side
@Jklinger , It can’t be -physical RR, since that role have been occupied by Assassins’ mark.
I see where you’re coming from as it would be “breaking the mold” in a way but you never know.
The buffs to Mythical Silverbolt were unique in it being the first item to make +3 to all skill levels possible with main hand and offhand slots. Not steering off topic I was just surprised at that change as an example.
I agree with everyone’s opinion and write my opinion.
The problem with Orelon itself is what everyone says. If it is the current performance, it is not worth 20 purple for me.
Although somewhat dissociated from the title of the thread, I think several other purple constellations (Autumn Boar, Crab, Dire Bear etc.) also need to be redesigned at the same time.
ToL requires 20 like Orelon, but blue / yellow is much better than purple (blue / yellow can get multiple T3s, and blue is relatively good) Is no problem.
Regarding ToL itself, my request is that + x% (or flat) physique instead of +30 DA, and some kind of resist should be given to this constellation line. I think that giant trees are not physically weak, so physical tolerance is not strange. And further regeneration amount.
Oleron is good. Very good even. The numbers are there. Problem is the builds that go for it are not exactly swimming in many-hits-per-second kinda skills that guarantee frequent crits (one is taken by Assassin already). Usually phys builds are also oa starved which further decreases the efficiency. Pierce, whose gearing is more oa friendly, have even less incentive to go for Oleron with the introduction of Azrakaa and Ulzaad. And don’t have good proccers neither.
I’d say first and foremost change on crit to on hit and inflate the chance (not necessarily to 100% like Elemental Seekers but way beyond the norm for 1s cd devos). Devo proc is only as good as the skill it’s bound to and good ones don’t exist for Oleron.
Or remodel the proc by buffing it significantly and increasing radius but also increasing cooldown to make to more “nukey” and less dependent on frequent proccing.
Pierce also likes some Shadows (Unknown Soldier). Blades of Wrath have a similar problem to Oleron but to a lesser extent. But that racial to humans is hard to drop…
Also, very good suggestion to make Oleron deal phys only.
People that complain about Oleron’s flat pierce misunderstand the power of Oleron for physical builds, it is the high WD, IT and the fact it is penalised far less than Azrakaa or Matron by enemy armor. So yeah, it is very good but the pathing undermines the value. For 2H phys builds Oleron proc is actually a little better than Azrakaa assuming that decent OA can be reached (~3.3k OA+) and no great proc skills to make use of 0.5 sec cd on Azrakaa. Overall though, with the weaker pathing, this makes it niche and taken up less frequently.
My suggestion to improve oleron value is this: Flat RR is useless for almost all phys builds thanks to raise the dead and warcry. It would be much better to change the flat RR to ~150 reduced DA. Lets face the facts: crit activation is notoriously difficult to activate every second for 2H and it is more realistic that Oleron is procd every 1.25-1.5 seconds. In addition to the reduced DA I suspect that increasing the CD by 0.25 sec and increasing the damage values by 20% would put Oleron in a healthy place. The buffs could be done in smaller steps if Crate feels this may be too much, but it needs something anyway.
You guys are speaking about some mythical builds where Oleron is not shit, lol. Azraaka >>>> Oleron for Pierce just based on the nodes alone. For two-handers on phys damage (which are basically two relevant builds atm: mine and John Smith’s) there is certainly no such luxury as going for Oleron in devos. Uknown Soldier is 10 times better then Oleron for Pierce as well just based on 10% crit damage nod alone.
Yeah, you can choose whatever constellations you like, but as a builder and min-maxer I am never ever going for Oleron because it’s always a suboptimal choice.
Pierce should be irrelevant to this thread as Oleron is terrible there no? Azrakaa can do as much as 120%wd and 2000 flat pierce per second vs 75%WD and 110 flat pierce. No comparison?
In my view Oleron is supposed to be a phys only constellation. I’d rather see the flat pierce removed entirely and my suggestions or something else introduced instead.