Make small changes first to make sure you are editing the correct stuff.
Keep multiple copies of your dbr files, like, every time something works. Keep this separate, or rename copies. Compare what works vs what is doesn’t work afterward, you can only do this if you have a copy of both files.
I use the DBR Editor and like it a lot. I do research with SciTE and edits with DBR Editor.
Read a lot. Read the included DBR. Read the forums. Read the manual.
There is a saying in Ninjitsu (the real kind), “Push where you are strongest.” Don’t try to make something into something it is not, go with the flow and try to push the boundaries slowly as you develop skill with repeated success. (You wouldn’t teach kids basketball by making them start with 3 pointers only would you?)
Compare implementations of similar functionality. The player stash “inventory” and the shared stash “transfer” are actually designed differently. In order to learn what to change, I compared the two a lot.
Ask yourself constantly, “Why did they make it this way?” Grim Dawn is an excellent example of “good design” and if you can understand why they did what they did, you can probably figure out how to do what you want to do.
Keep multiple copies of your mod. I ended up doing development in GD\mods\ and then created a production build environment in C:\GDmod\mod with multiple copies of template files. When I built the dev version of Stasher, I ended up with a 500mb mod due to template inclusions. When I limited the included templates to what I needed, 1.5mb and most of that is the graphics.
Sometimes ArchiveTool.exe fails silently. I killed the process, deleted the half generated arc file, did it again. Eventually I rebuilt the assets. My time was probably 80% graphics work, 10% pathing and asset tests 5% dbr edits and 5% loading the game over and over.
If you don’t change the assets, only a dbr, then you can just rebuild and load the mod from the main menu “start”. My repeated loads were “esc to main menu” and “start” BUT if you change the files that are included, (requiring an arz update) then you need to exit the game completely (it seems… but safer at least!)
If your assets aren’t loading, you might have them in the wrong path. I ended up trying mod\MODNAME\ directories: assets, source, resources, database, etc. My tex files are currently in resources\ui\caravan. assets\resources\ui\caravan too… but I don’t think that copy gets used since they aren’t “built” assets.
I REALLY WANT TO KNOW HOW MANY FILES ARE IN AN ARC. Asset Manager, Archive, Build… why you no tell me statistics? why do you hate me? why won’t you tell me you hate me!!! TAKE YOUR SHIT AND GET OUT… oh wait I need you nevermind
I’m sorry Archive Builder, please be nice to me. (Seriously, I need to know what *** assets got included.)
The paths are relative to your mod as absolute base. If your graphics aren’t loading, try different paths. You might get a … checkerbox grid pattern… if they don’t load.