PS4 and Grim Dawn

Thanks for the answer. In that case, there are two problems.

  1. As for localization, unlike English, since translation is greatly different between base game and expansion, when selling it separately from base version and DLC, each exclusive translation must be used. Otherwise people who bought the base game will be very confused.

  2. Some countries’ translations have multiple versions. Which one are devs going to use?

The devs aren’t using any translations, other than providing them via download. The translations are provided by the community.

See the Translations forum as medea has suggested. Read and post your questions and concerns in the Community localizations (v1.0.6.0) thread as that is the correct place to ask questions about localizations. That thread also has information regarding localizations.

I am a Japanese translator and just asked the question that all translators are concerned about. Anyhow, I presented problems that localization faces now.

However, there may be translators who are unaware of these problems. Noted with thanks. Next year when the release of the Xbox version becomes more realistic, I will ask about these issues again in the Translations forum.

Ha I’m surprised you people didn’t realize/know Matougi was a translator. He has been fairly visible and known on the board. :wink: But he was asking about translation localization of the console port, which is a different ballgame entirely. I have no idea if Crate intends to only sell in English-speaking countries or not but if they did sell in non-English areas I couldn’t see them using the community translations in that fashion.

To me it seems like doing so would present problems down the line with game updates. They would probably need to hire professional translators (or maybe even hire some of the community members since technically the majority of the work is already long done) and have them translate anything that needed translating before patches and updates are released.

They can get away with translation delays on PC. On console I’m not so sure.

Seems like the localization thread would be the most relevant thread for their stated issue.

Post created asking about this question, maybe it should’ve been it’s own thread, whatever. Done!

Thanks, and one word. It is not a good idea to hire a professional development. Translations of any country have examined the words with much discussion so far. And, for example, our jp-wiki is built on the basis of my translated words. The existence of different translations will cause great disorganization.

Edit: I asked here daringly because we could not get any answer even if asking for a different translation in the past by the base and expansion in the translation forum here and there. But it is certain that this issue is only relevant to localization.