Experimenting with a ranged Purifier build. Looking to maximize its potential. Im playing around with a Fire and Aether damager build with some secondary lightning damage thrown in. It is currently based around Fire Strike from Demolitionist and Ranged Expertise and Bursting Round from Inquisitor. The build heavily uses the Aetherfire devotion which is bound to Fire Strike. Right now im half way through act 1 in Elite and right at the beginning of Ashes of Malmouth in normal difficulty. Disregard my gear choices for now, im mainly just using anything that gives additional fire/aether buffs. Also I haven’t overlooked Deadly Aim under Inquisitor, i was just currently playing around with some stats. As of now its a great build but a bit tough on survivability. If I had more mobility it would work better id imagine. I don’t know how much longer this build will remain viable. Just looking for some thoughts!
bump to increase post count to be able to post a link to build (sorry)
Hard to tell anything without any grim tool link
this is a good read:
There is a special thread where you can increase the post count
and hey, we are not stupid you can just leave out the link like this https :// www. grimtools.com / calc/ YZe70zY2 and we can fix it, or just post the code YZe70zY2
last bump. This site require I make 3 posts before being able to post a link.
read my posts, there is a special thread for increasing post count, and you can post a broken link or just the grim tool code and we can figure out how to look at your build.