Putrid Necklace MI

Made a build to utilize the conversion on the putrid necklace from Primordian.

Unfortunately, in spite of it being 100% aether, 45% elemental converted to acid, it doesn’t change the visual effect of AAR or Devastation while BoD is up.

This is really just a nitpick, and likely a thing that fell through the cracks. Just wanted to bring attention to it.

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Not that it wouldn’t be nice but global conversions don’t change colors of skills in this game. There’s no a dynamic system for it and :crate: doesn’t add visual changes to such items manually. Maybe you get it in FoA, who knows

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Yeah, an Albrecht’s Goo Ray rly would be nice. Including little splashes of acid on impact <3


This is on my wishlist :smiley: All things dynamically changing colour based on the damage they do. :crayon:


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