Hello, my first post on this forum!
First thing first, I would like to thank the developers for making this GREAT game! I’m having a blast - so much build possibilities.
Here I want to share my first build - I’ve just finished Ultimate (killed the octopus monster) with it. I was attempting the final boss even on Lvl. 82 but didn’t have Tip Of The Scales devotion, so I failed miserably.
The build is using transmuted Bloody Box/Fevered rage connected to Flame Torment devotion and Vindicative Flame to kill things. Good chunk of the damage is Chance on Attack (Cortosian Invoker) and Chance of Getting Hit items (e.g Hellforged Legplates).
The build itself is very tanky and I’m in phase to discover all the posibilities, but few key facts:
Grimcalc: http://grimcalc.com/build/lCAeQi
Bloody Pox with Fevered Rage works great with Vindicative Flame and Flame Torment devotion - it just sears the trash
Tip the scales devotion is the key - it took long time to figure this out for this build (and lot of deaths
The rest: Flashbang for “oh-shit” situations, transmuted Blackwater Cocktail I use with Eldritch fire atm.
Complete skill/devotion tree is in the attached video.
Blast Shield gives lot of protection, I love that skill
And of course Blood of Dreeg with Aspect on full
With Bloody Pox ticks good items are Chance on Attack things and this is where Empowered Cortosian Invoker comes to play - but beware, it drains mana really fast.
Chance when Hit tanky items are also good option, e.g. Hellforged Legplates
Here is sample 5 min video from Plains of Strife, to get an idea:
I use lot of green lvl 70 items (didn’t find better items), so what you see is suboptimal I think - it could be WAY better.
Feel free to comment on it and post suggestions!