Pyromancer w/Oathbreaker set. Anyone make that build?

So… messing around with different class/mastery combos with Grimarillion, I just happen to stumble upon the Oathbreaker. Rogue + Oathkeeper. Messing around with a variant for the Perdition set. So, naturally, I thought about the Oathbreaker set. I took a look at it and it’s geared toward Demolitionist and Occultist. Nothing to do with Rogue or Oathkeeper. It would have been perfect too.

Now… my question, more a curiosity really. The Oathbreaker set. Pistol main hand and Shield off hand using fire and chaos damage. Has anyone made a build, either in theroycraft or an actual character, using those two items? If so what damage spell would you use alongside of Firestrike?

I am sure the(ses) question(s) popped up once or twice since the launch of Grim Dawn, as with other obscure or ‘fun’ builds, but I haven’t found anything via this forum or online. Well tid bits here and there talking about it, but nothing concrete. No build. No gear. No skill set usage. No devotions.

As a side note, I have 3/5 pieces of the Pyromancer set since I am still using Grimarillion atm. It’s not geared toward the Demolitionist or the Occultist, funny together they are the Pyromancer, but towards the Earth class/mastery. But the set uses fire + chaos damage, so that alone could be a good complement even if the pluses to the Earth skills are wasted.

Maybe Earth + Demolitionist? I would lose Solare’s Witchfire, but I would still gain +'s to fire and chaos and the set gives +2 to all Earth spells. There are some interesting spells too, both offence and defense. But I haven’t played that part of Grimarillion yet, so I don’t know what to invest my points in, save for whatever is listed on the Pyromancer set.

Any thoughts either way?

Oathbreaker is a very meme set for sure. I theorycrafted a Fire/Chaos build using that set as a fun activity months ago. I’ll post it below, but keep in mind there is no pass through and no % Weapon Damage added to Fire Strike so it’s not going to be anything to write home about. It should have decent AoE from maxed Brimstone, Flame Torrent, Fissure and Meteor Shower.

Mind you, I make only Dual Damage builds - others may have theorycrafted different or made an actual character. I didn’t bother since I figured the damage would not be enough to be more than decent.


I was curious about a fire/chaos build from all the greens and blues I found, plus the few devotions/constellations, but didn’t think there would be anything worth building until I found the first set of Oathbreaker. I figured it would be nothing more than just a fun build to roam around normal (maybe veteran) and the beginning portion of elite difficulty at max level.

It’s good to see a full fledge build. I have a lot of collecting to do. But that’s what makes this game so much fun. I look forward to all the new purples to see if my alts can use them or if it will give me an idea for another character. I haven’t messed around with any range builds yet (throwing a shield doesn’t count), so they are definitely piquing my interest/curiosity. I truly want to make a dual pistol build, but I figure there are many out there so I will do that one after a pistol/shield and a rifle build.

Thanks for the response/info. Looks like I have my work cut out for me, good thing I have a level 100 to farm out the pruples. Do you tend to find more new purples from playing the campaign on ultimate or by running crucible or shattered realms? Or do you rotate between the three?

Happy to help and share ideas! GD is amazing in what you can make and almost anything can work in Ultimate, as long as you build it correctly…

As for items, I just run through areas killing bosses and doing monster totems, but if you need certain items you’ll have to farm some bosses or monsters for specific items. Also, if you want the 4 Shattered Realm sets you’ll need to get them from SR itself.

Good luck and have fun! :sunglasses: