It would be nice to have a hold down (or even just a toggle) hotkey to suppress the loot tags. Sometime during combat, the screen can get very full of tags making aiming and moving hard.
There is a loot filter on the bottom left of your health bar, the little triangle thing.
Yeah I’d love to have a key for toggling this. I thought it was already in the keybinds, but it turns out those keys are only for showing items when they’re hidden, rather than hiding them when they aren’t.
Unfortunately it’s rather fiddly to use when in combat.
PoE have an option to only pick up items when a modifier key is pressed.
It’s time to bring it to GD too.
You are misunderstanding the use of the filter. It has several settings:
Auto Show Loot (OFF) > Only shows loot when you hold alt or whatever your hotkey is to show loot.
Auto Show Loot (Common+) > Always shows Common and better.
Auto Show Loot (Magic+) > Always shows Magic and better.
Auto Show Loot (Rare+) > Always shows Rare and better.
Auto Show Loot (Epic+) > Always shows Epic and better.
Auto Show Loot (Legendary+) > Always shows Legendary and better.
So if your screen is cluttered, just set the loot filter off and release the show loot hotkey.
Then as Asylum101 said turn off the loot filter completely and then use the Alt key afterwards to see all the loot or “Z” to see all items except common ones. Simple and has been in the game like forever.
Yeah, fiddling with loot filter is SO much easier than picking up items with a modifier key.
The game shouldn’t have prioritize item plates over enemies in the first place.
Guys your solution requires to fiddle with the filter, which is annoying because we have no +/- key for that and just have to click on it until the “no loot shown” option is reached. Then fight. Then click again to your usual filtered tier.
What OP is asking is a master key on top of that filter. I agree display and filtering should be distinct.
But you still would see all the shitloads of yellow items cluttering the screen (there’s no green+ filtering hotkey), and you have to press the key every time.
Many like to play with the loot on, since they don’t want to press a key every time to see the loot, because they find it impractical and beacuse sometimes some loot can be forgotten.
IMHO the solution is easy, add a toggle key that work with you current hotbar loot filtering, that would hide the loot when you press it (for example when in combat in a closed area) and reveal it when you press it again.
You don’t have to fiddle. Turn it off and use the Alt/Z keys after the battle is over.
Which is effectively what turning the filter on and off does. Is it really that annoying to you?
Maybe i still don’t know, but is there a hotkey for it? A simple key that would hide/show the loot when pressed, without going in the hotbar with your mouse and click, click, click, several times the the loot filtering button every time i want to hide/show the loot, something that is impractical.
Yes, what’s needed is a toggle switch to show/hide loot with a single keystroke. Basically the ALT-key function, but not requiring a press and hold. I’d trade the entire loot filter system just for that.
I think we need an “+” “-” toggle version of it. Maybe second option can be directly having keybinds to every color filter.
“A battle” can stretch to several screens. So it will still require pushing the button mid-fight.
We don’t want it off - if we did, this thread wouldn’t exist.
The whole point of the auto loot filter being an option is that Crate acknowledge different people prefer it set differently. As it stands though, the people who prefer it off also have the benefit of inverting that as they please, while those who prefer it on don’t.