Quality of life feature: Crafting Items should include an option to craft all required items

Basicly a popup when trying to craft items that you lack the ingredients for but you can craft those ingredients. It would save a lot of time searching when crafting components for relics for example.


Another option would be to make the ingredients clickable, so when you click one it changes to that ingredient recipe instead, with a new “go back” button included.


That would be amazing if we could open several small pop-ups (just the bottom part of crafting window) for ingredients of a blueprint. And then more pop-ups for ingredients of these ingredients. All while still having e.g. relic selected in main window.

I never thought about it, because GD doesn’t allow multiple windows. Makes me miss the window system from Divine Divinity.


i been bamboozled… :neutral_face:
thought i missed it, but it wasn’t ingame :sweat_smile:

Grim Dawn’s crafting system in general is irritating. You’re unable to craft in quantity and instead have to sit there and click for each time you want to make ONE(1) single component. When you want to break down epic/legendary loot for components, you have to do it individually one at a time.
You want some kind of multi-tiered single crafting process, but I think that might be too complex to implement. They could do some kind of drag & drop recipe book menu, but again, implementing it might not be feasible. I think the main issue is that we have to craft each component individually. I craft 1000x more dynamite & aether shards than I do equipment, so it doesn’t bother me as much if I have to craft 6 components in order to craft a piece of equipment. Its not like I’m crafting 100+ pieces of the same armor or weapon.