Quest stars for bounties

Just would like to ask if you could add quest stars to the bounty table enemies.
Would really appreciate it.


I want to follow this up by also showing the quest details again when interacting with the bounty table. When I accept a bounty, leave the game and come back in a week I do not remember what the table said about where the bounty target would be located

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Isn’t that info in the quest log?

And don’t they already display a star? Or am I imagining things? Or is it maybe only some?


Quest log just says “Kill XYZ” - but no indication where that enemy is located and I do not want to look up grimtools everytime to see where they are
(stars are not in place either currently btw)


Nope, me neither.

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It is for this one for example. So I’m not completely crazy :sweat_smile:

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varies from bounties depending on if they have fixed spawn location iirc
so like stuff without fixed will just be like “try your luck in four hills” :crazy_face: stuff with fixed spawn or semi fixed spawn might describe it "he’s always next to cronley"etc “Caspis is somewhere in Salazar’s lair”, “Boris is down the slaughter pit”

But, currently, the way quest stars work means they might not be that much more of a help. The whole “already requiring you to be somewhat close for it to even appear” (which would kinda suck on the Four Hills example/quest without fixed spawns/close descriptions) :thinking:
*i don’t remember how close quest stars exactly work/feel like i haven’t paid attention to them in ages :sweat_smile:

edit, this how close i needed to get to a fixed point quest/this specific quest

unsure if that applies equally to all
Still probably better than nothing, if people get markers for bounties if nothing else they can atleast then maybe combine it with the increased markers mod :+1:


IIRC base game bounties specify the region, where you have to search. And the location is usually close to the faction. I have not done so much bounty hunting in the expansions, but I believe it is mostly the same there, too.

Except for the Black Legion - they send you all over the place for big game hunting. But these are prominent targets - often the boss of their areas.

A few times it can be frustrating, if you have explore the whole area, when the bounty spawned in the one place you are checking at the end. But for the most part I enjoyed taking a closer look at a place - e.g. when you have to hunt down a certain enemy type, which usually goes under in all the different mobs.

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ngl, I have never in my 1000+ hours playing grim dawn used this quest tab. Didn’t know it would repeat the text of the bounty table there - I always just went after the objective shown on the right side of the screen. And there it would just say „Slay xyz“ … well, then that might just be a me-problem

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I actually noticed that when you log out and back in the bounty will be random and usually different from the one you accepted.
But yeah the go kill some random in such and such does not show star currently.

that, doesn’t make sense, or rather if i’m reading you right that’s not what the game does
The bounty table itself will be random each session, yes, this is by design, each session you get 5 random bounties to pick from. (out of 12-18’ish available depending on faction)
The bounty you accept or accepted will not differ itself once picked/from when you picked it,
just like how regular quests don’t magically become different after you accepted one

When you log out and back in the bounty will change to something random, I noticed it the other day. I took one bounty for where I was going to, but had to log off before I got there, when I logged in later it was totally different and not where I was going.

Shouldn’t do if you’ve accepted it. If it is doing that then it’s a bug.

what medea said
either it’s a bug, or you mixed up the bounty with a different one, or forgot where yday’s bounty was, if not quitting before actually adding then bounty(hence new/different one ready at table when starting again)
i even tried it multiple times today, bounty ofc never changed once accepted (deliberately exiting and changing chars between bounties)