Question about "all default weapon attack"

So, it’s a tricky one I could not figure out myself. Sorry if it was already here?
For example, we have “Belgothian shears”, which can be activated on “any default weapon attack”
Also, we have “Shadow Strike”, which can be set instead of basic weapon attack.
Questions here:

  1. Will shears still activate on SS? (I suppose yes, but would like to confirm)
  2. Will shears activate if SS is used from non-weapon attack slot?

Thank you!

It’s not as tricky as you think. Pretty simple really.

While SS is on cooldown, sure, yes. This goes for ANY cooldown type skill. While SS fires tho - no.

The previous answer above should make this, too, clear.

SS is not a default weapon attack
the “place” on your hotbar/mouse is not what determines if it’s a default weapon attack, just because you can put it on LMB doesn’t mean it’s an auto attack/default weapon attack

a default weapon attack is the “attack” skill/white sword icon skill, or Auto Attack replacer skills
Fire Strike
Righteous Fervor
Belgothian Strikes
Fleshwarped Strikes
Runic bolts
Touch of Chaos
Beronath’s Fury
Troll Rage

etc etc if i forgot any - either way the skill/default attack replacer will always mention something in the description along the lines of “when used as your default attack”, and often you will see the skill/attack comes with “charges”, increasing dmg per charge