Does it drop more frequent in SR, is it an ultimate only? I read it drops on AoM and have been farming totems for it for the past few weeks around Malmouth… just curious where others got theirs. Thanks!
That blue ring can drop anywhere, global drop but chances are that totems or in SR it can be higher since loot is way more than in the boss orbs. I don’t think it’s ultimate only, what matters is that you are close to lvl 94 yourself, like around 90.
It’s definitely not AoM specific item so don’t focus too much there.
If your luck is below 2% then u can consider a legit trading hubs around forums or in-game too, just ask nicely and I guarantee someone will help you out.
Thank you. I am on a xbox console so trading is harder to come by. I am lvl 100 playing on Ult…so pray to to the RNG gods I go.
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