Question about reap spirit

I got my spellbinder to 100 and I don’t understand this skill. I understand this is a pet ability but the damage is so bad, high cooldown and it is single target. It is almost never useful. I don’t have any modifier to that skill and my gear sucks (it’s the best I found during the campaign).

For comparaison, ravenous earth does more damage and has big AOE.

What am I missing here ?

The pet is kinda good. It’s the only pet-bonus-scaled pet that’s invincible. You can have 3 to 5 of them, there are builds focusing on it.

“Summoning” the pet also does player-scaled damage, yes. Though you can bring the CD of the skill down to around 1s, I’ve never seen a build rly utilizing Reap Spirit as a direct dmg spell. Nor can I think of one.

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set dedicated to RS even for the player dmg part :smile:

dedication, like most skills it becomes good better great with modifiers or “only” with modifiers.
Reap Spirit is a high dmg cd skill, or “nuke”, what is often done with high cd skills is lower the cd so the dps effectively increases massively.
For RS, just like doom bolt etc, you can get the cd down to under a second, so now suddenly it does like 1-200k+ dps

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I could try to get the whole set but in the mean time, I can’t make this skill work at all. It is very weird if a skill requires specific items to do much.

example of an exchange in a build not using RS as main main but filler, where RS dps could massively get increased just changing a pair of gloves

*and that wasn’t even a hyper optimized version of RS either since it was focused on Devas and drain essence as filler mostly

this is normal in GD

also why i mentioned doom bolt, it kinda sucks without massive itemizations either increasing its dmg or reducing the CD drastically

RE without items is also kinda only fine for campaign/levelling, it quickly becomes more a dud if you have no of the RE items once dealing with endgame content
And some skills are just stronger early game/during levelling than others, this is also normal, and RE is just a better levelling skill than RS.

more RS optimized version of Diviner

*unsure if it’s the “best” best Reap Spirit version specifically, or if it’s best because of RS+devas/Diviner combo :smile:

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What the flip !
You’re spamming reap spirit twice a second. Crazy stuff.

Ok I just checked your build from the gt in your video description and, from my beginner perspective, it looks really well optimized.

that is what modifiers do/why modifiers exist and why we love to use them :wink:

*also that’s Lee’s video, running Nofika’s setup, not “me” :sweat_smile: (incase the “you” were direct and not general)

i assume it to be so atleast, since that’s what Nofika and the gang tends to do, and why use them as example of good end stuff possible in Grim Dawn