Question about reap spirit

example of an exchange in a build not using RS as main main but filler, where RS dps could massively get increased just changing a pair of gloves

*and that wasn’t even a hyper optimized version of RS either since it was focused on Devas and drain essence as filler mostly

this is normal in GD

also why i mentioned doom bolt, it kinda sucks without massive itemizations either increasing its dmg or reducing the CD drastically

RE without items is also kinda only fine for campaign/levelling, it quickly becomes more a dud if you have no of the RE items once dealing with endgame content
And some skills are just stronger early game/during levelling than others, this is also normal, and RE is just a better levelling skill than RS.

more RS optimized version of Diviner

*unsure if it’s the “best” best Reap Spirit version specifically, or if it’s best because of RS+devas/Diviner combo :smile:

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