Hi, o/ . Will the “%reduce target’s damege for X time” from e.g. the soldier skill “war cry” stack with the Light of Empyrion constellation skill “%reduce target’s damege for X time” ?
Thanks for your answer
nope, same type debuff, highest applies
many thanks for info
debuffs in GD gets pretty simple when you break it down:
general debuff rules (applies to more than just RR)
A: -%(minus symbol, important) stacks infinitely from different sources
B: %reduced, you get 1, highest applies (no minus symbol)
C: “flat”/n’th reduced, you get 1, highest applies
a+b+c goes together
^above rule apply to other debuffs too
like ex OA or DA shred
so since both Empyrion and War cry are type b, %reduced, no stacking, highest applies
So will work with constelation Fist of vire “%reduce physical taget’s damage for x time” ? I mean soldier skill war cry
still type B debuff
All clear ty o/
Have other guestion but dnt want make new topic. Shouldn’t the total probability of using abilities that activate together with a basic attack exceed 100%? Or is it just something I have made up in my head
If you exceed the 100% pool altogether it’s not the end of the world. The game adds the odds together and then diminishes them relatively to 100%. So generally it is best to aim for 100% as this way you can have less WPS (weapon pool skills) but more powerful ones.
But if you cannot reach 100% then try to reach as much as you can.
Correction here. Guardians are -% while warcry is flat reduced. So they DO stack.
Edit: I’m totally wrong and didn’t read the constellation part friday evening drunk. Pls no ban.
didn’t realize you could stack debuffs of all 3 types.
yep, it’s how you can amass rather a lot resist reduction
ofc devs don’t want you stack a lot of some debuffs
so ex enemy damage reduct, there simply only exists one type of it, B, %reduced
likewise OA/DA shred are usually spread around in “conflicting” types, so outside a very few niche specific combos, you don’t get to stack a ton of OA/DA shred, because most of it comes in type C, flat/n’th reduced debuff form
Makes sense, although it is pretty cool overall. Adds some clarity to how my characters do certain things to bosses and how the numbers that I see in combat don’t match the ones on the character screen. Or how I can do “6000 damage” but “150000 dps”. It has to do with all that stacking that I wasn’t even aware stacked in that manner.
I am going to look over all my skills and buffs now to see what the final %s can be to get a better understanding for the future of my main character and future characters.