For example, if we look at boss Ancient Shambler at Monster level 106: it has 969 cunning (plus 397 percent physical damage). Grimtools shows that it has 2 attacks among its other attacks: AoE attack (1687 physical damage, internal trauma, sunder) that deals about 8500 direct physical damage before player damage mitigation, and Fire projectiles attack (stone throw that is probably its most dangerous attack, 2.5 meter radius, 2606 physical damage) that deals about 13000 direct physical damage before player damage mitigation. I know that armor does not affect internal trauma DOT. My questions are: does player armor reduce direct physical damage from first attack (tagged as AoE attack in grimtools)? Does player armor reduce direct physical damage from second attack (tagged as Fire projectiles attack stone throw), and does it matter whether this stone hits player character directly or if player character stays in its 2.5 meter radius for armor to work? Bonus question: should I include in my calculations Shamblers’ passive bonuses with flat physical damage (it has 2 of them (at lvl 106): 976-1305 Physical damage and 389 physical damage), or is this flat damage added to weapon damage attacks, and Ancient Shambler does not carry a weapon? Would really appreciate some answers.
Armour reduces flat physical dmg attacks by it’s own flat value, afaik it doesnt’ matter if that attack is a debuff, aoe, projectile or direct attack, it’s all the same
Similar like how fire res doesn’t care if it’s a fire aoe projectile or direct hit etc
Shambler’s flat physical dmg you only need to factor in for melee hits/AA or skill’s where it list’s %weapon dmg, afaik enemy attacks are still using the same mechanics as player’s where flat dmg requires skill’s %wd or be a fist/weapon AA
Voldrak is a good example of this since he features all 3 types, aa, skill without WD, and skill with WD
Thank you for the answer, do you know if each source of enemy’s flat physical damage is calculated against player’s armor separately (same as player’s flat physical damage vs enemy’s armor)? And (kind of unrelated to the topic) do you know if shields block AoE attacks like stone throw?
It would, but enemies tend not to have many different sources of damage for their attacks.
yes(atleast as i understand it)
and “yes”, shield block works on basically anything that registers a direct hit think it was, shouldn’t matter if projectile or melee strike, but there are distinctions in GD, so like not all AoEs is the same
Example would be ground pools(blackwater cocktail, sigil, volcanic stride), direct hit attack causing aoe/“explosion”(Trozan/meteor/“stone throw”), War Cry/Judgment, or debuffs (Curse of Frailty/Word of Pain)
Block wont work on Word of Pain “aoe” but because it’s a debuff, and it wont work on sigil because it’s not a projectile, but should work on BWC/Stride because that’s strangely enough counted as projectile dmg as i recall Z explaining from a Mad Queen aura interaction
Debuffs ignores DA, and Judgment/Warcry ignores deflect/dodge, so those types can’t be blocked by shield iirc from @Ceno
(atting ceno since saw he literally just showed up )
huh what
Shields cannot block AoEs or Debuffs.
But they can block projectiles that have an AoE detonation or that apply a debuff on hit.