[Question] Mod masteries and item skill add ons?

Hm, the prefix_classskills* shout out loudly to me :wink:

i just re read what you said about the limitations on # of affixes per table.


is there a limit to the number of items that can drop?

yeah i guess.

from one of these tables, yes, 70, see the long post :wink: Not sure if they tie up to an even higher level where these are then combined. I assume so (given that the one I used in the example is for a handful of medals only) but never looked.

EDIT: yes there is, records\items\loottables\gearaccessories\lt_medal.dbr in this case, which rolls up to records\items\loottables\mastertables\mt_accessories_a01.dbr - judging by the name of the dir, this is the end of that roadā€¦

As to the classkills tables, this seems to be the next section Crate needs to expand, they are already 3/4 full just from their skills :wink:

I guess your best bet is to create your own tables and reference those in addition to the standard tables

For one it is easier to keep things separated (you never know when Crate decides do fill up the remaining entries, screwing you over in the process, but that will happen, given that there will be an expansionā€¦) and for another that seems to give you more available slots than filling up their tables

EDIT: I would probably create my own tables to link to the master tables, that gives you the most separation and seems to be the least restrictive, they allow 30 entries and I have not really found any that even uses 5 when looking at some at random (ok, mt_gearweapons_a01.dbr uses 9 :wink: - and the mt_hu_*.dbr are almost full, whatever they are)

ok so hijacking existing tables is bad

adding my own tables could work

24 classes to jack-in

say i pick 6 skills from each class and make 24 tables? Then link those to every item

im gonna sleep on it. ill think more tomorrow. maybe someone else will have a better solution.


Can we assign affixes / prefixes via lua ?

Probably not.

Donā€™t forget that Unique items (Legendary/Epic) can have affixes of their own, even if not displayed. So you can probably fit more than 3 +skills on them at once.

no you cannot, they are not displayed, but otherwise they work exactly the same. So the only way to get more were 2 on the item + additional ones from the affixes.

This does not really help here though, as we look for a way to have e.g. 10 (from 10 different masteries) in one affix, to not have quite so many new affixes that make it impossible to ever find anything useful.

Not sure I get the math. 6 skills per class, why does that need a separate table all its own ? Because you pair them with some skills from all the other 29 masteries ?

I think the solution for me is the master table, which leads to the following steps

  • Find the right master table (mt_*.dbr)
  • Copy all the relevant tables it references to new files (lt_*.dbr)
  • Add all these new lt_*.dbr files to the master table, possibly adjust the weight
  • Copy all the tables in the new lt_.dbr files to new files (tdyn_.dbr)
  • Update the links to the tdyn_.dbr files in the new lt_.dbr files to the copies
  • In the tdyn_*.dbr finally, keep the items but add your own affixes (and adjust their weights and min/max levels as necessary)

The only problem seem to be the mt_hu_*.dbr tables, as they are almost full, so the above does not work for them - I assume that pretty much nothing will, other than going up one level higher, i.e. copy them as well and add the copy wherever the original is referenced.

Not really sure how important the mt_hu_* ones are however, i.e. if it is worth bothering. Maybe someone else can shed some light into it.


So youā€™re telling me you canā€™t edit these up and get six different +All Skills in <Mastery> and six different (or same) +<Individual Skill>?

Canā€™t test but Iā€™m not convinced youā€™re correct.

yes, that is exactly what I am telling you :wink:

If you look at the template, the limit is 2. See also post #11 (and the limit is 2, the third entry was + to all masteries, which is a different tag)


Yeah, but Iā€™m saying you can put those 3 separate files on one itemā€¦because prefixes and suffixes. Let me spell this out:

You can make a base unique item with two individual +skills. You can then give that item two affixes, which each have two individual +skills. Sum it up, and you have six. Same applies to +all skills in <mastery> since thereā€™s two slots in each file on the part of the template.

Hahaha! Thread hijacked! :stuck_out_tongue:

Its all good guys, brainstorm away :smiley:

But thanks for clarifying for me what is happening on that end of things because with all the new mod masteries coming out, weā€™re all going to be mix and matching things not just from the base classes.

I know the +1 or +2 skill item affixes works for all but sometimes you want that +4 or 5 for that one skill.

So up to now (me personally cant speak for everyone) Iā€™ve always just been using one of the base classes with another mod class so that when items drop at least there WOULD be something i could use the affixes for.

yes, I already said that this would be the only way to do it and that this is missing the point of what we are trying to do :wink:

Each affix and the item are still limited to max 2, there is no way to eg have more + to skills on a prefix, that was the whole point.

Curveball time

what if we just say f* it

make about 500 components (or augments!) and have + skills on them???

Add them to the drop tables and call it a day?

Was actually wondering about that too :wink: - and augments, as they are more ā€˜predictableā€™

The only downside I see is that it is a lot of components, so it will take you forever to complete any, much like with affixes it would take forever to drop the one you want.

So to take this a step further, make the component a full component, not a partial, ie 1/1 instead of 1/3 or 1/4. Slight power creep, but not too bad I guess.

As I said, there are always augments to consider too, I was actually leaning more towards that, even though / because (matter of perspective) it takes out the randomness.

augments or 1/1 components.

imho here is what i would do (and probably will do)

  1. do the mastery segmentation i originally planned into the 6 base masteries as ā€œArchetypesā€

  2. create two sets of augments.

a. set 1 is +1 to +3 to all skills for particular mastery (include all 30 not just the 24 new ones). and make them top tier purchasable rewards from faction vendors. and only applicable to 1 slot.

b. set 2 is +1 to +5 to specific skill (100s of skills) and will be available from special (new) merchants in the RL dungeons and they will have random inventory of stuff, will be applicable to various slots depending on the + type.

  1. id like the cost to be using something other than iron to make them more scarce. otherwise the cost has to be astronomically high to justify the power gains.
    problem here is that the quest / conversation editors create/edit files that are binary encoded. so I canā€™t write a script to ā€¦ write the script :stuck_out_tongue: (which is what iā€™d normalyl do in these circumstances to allow for easy changes to masteries and addition of new ones).
    so unless I can do a conversation purely with lua (is it possible) id have to do the transaction via merchant with iron

or spend like 40 hours manually entering in each skill and setting up the rules etc for buying via conversation.

got it.

here is the solution. it satisfies the needs of RNGesus scarcity and adds in the additional entropic inventory reduction blessings as well.

  1. have a special npc in RL dungeon
  2. talk to npc
  3. give special item (50 omega hero soul for regular individual skill merchant or 5 legendary soul for + to all skills merchant)
  4. npc says ok ill summon the ifrit/marid/etc
  5. you talk to the ifrit and buy randomly selected limited stock items (augments)
  6. winning at life

I have bad news

  • to skills doesnā€™t seem to work in augments.

I even opened dbr editor and let it ā€œfixā€ the sorting and position of the entries. re compiled etc

am i doing something wrong? hmm

good news

  • to skills works on components.

so thsi is exciting.

i guess the merchants willi sell components and not augments.

Ohohoho thatā€™s sexy. :cool: