[Question] Mod masteries and item skill add ons?

Yeah, not sure when you started with Grim Dawn but back in the good ol’ days Chains of Oleron and Hallowed Ground used to give +1 to All Skills, then +1 to All Skills in a Mastery, then +1 to two skills, and now they’ve been made not BiS. :stuck_out_tongue:

Does +skills on Augments not work functionally or does it merely not display but actually works behind the scenes?

it. just.doesnt.work

i checked with on and off. skills didn’t change :smiley:

ok it works

i made one item and linked it through some custom tables to a merchatn i made

and and and nad anadnnadnadnadnad

this merchant uses a table to link to a table to link to a loot table

so i could potentially have LOTS of combos in there.

gonna have one loot table for each mastery. not sure if im going ot bother with combos. it will make things ;p


i wrote a script in VBA that takes data pulled from a special search performed with notepad++… and converts that data into… another script!

that 2nd script then generates all sorts of goodies for the asset manager

i hit f7 and presto

lookie here:

i just need to add one more configuration to the script scripter and then ill have text tags generated too

expect bugs
relish the bugs
and add mustard too if thats your thing

enjoy the bugs

Hahaha damn look at that progress :smiley:

So you’ll be implementing that into the next DAIL update and work on the feedback from there to see where it goes.

Havent updated my DAIL in a while either because just waiting till a good enough amount of updates are ahead :stuck_out_tongue:

its out

the hype is real

While doing +skills on components is great idea which adds customization (always great) it also has a downside of well occupying a slot of a component which you might want to use (usually some resistance). Another thing is that it will (probably) bother players to have a legendary with nice stats but dead +skills. Obviosly it is not a good idea to drop legendaries with random +skills (as mentioned before) because one will never find the one with propper skills. Adding +1 to all skills is also not to neat (as discussed before). However there might be another route.

Relics (just like components in the past) have completion bonuses which are selected from the table. Most have combination of two skills or +1 to specific mastery. Each legendary is designed (at least in theory) to support specific class (or combination of classes). As a number of masteries grow the usability of legendary can be expanded. For example Ultos set can have +2 to shaman but it can have +2 to storm mastery instead. Exterminus has +3 to brimstone , +2 to explosive strike and +1 to occultist but instead it can have +3 to scatter shot, +2 to cadence and +1 to hunting mastery (i know that hunting mastery doesnt have chaos damage). Point is that it can carry different (but limited number of +skills) from few masteries. For example Exterminus wouldnt work with Necromancer or Arch verison of thereof so there is no need to add support for these masteries.

So why not to add a blacksmith which can reforge legendaries for a very small fee or for free or for a component. It will be a slot machine - every time you pull the lever you get new combination of +skills from existing table. This way it would be possible to “recycle” legendaries for different classes instead of looking at +skills that dont do you any good.

that sounds like a fun idea. go ahead and work on it :smiley:

as for affixes vs components. we discussed that already. affixes won’t be very forward compatible (loot tables filling up) unless we cheat and do +1 to all skills from xyz mastery (also bad).

anyways. nothing stopping you from doing it yourself. please use what i’ve done to help you in your quest to learn how if you find it useful.