I have been checking resources on how conversions work but am not sure about a few things. Say I am using Panetti’s replicating missiles and have Slathsarr’s crest (medal) with “100% Elemental damage converted to Aether damage to Panetti’s Replicating Missiles”.
PRM has a skill modifier Proliferation (extra fragments) with both Elemental and Aether damage, does the elemental part get fully converted?
If I have an item that gives PRR a weapon damage percentage say 20%, do those get converted as well or I would need separate global conversions on items for that to happen?
Proliferation very specific modifier. It’s damage adds to base PRM projectiles and it will converted. But Proliferation’s fragments itself deal only nominal damage and not converted by PRM granted modifiers.
This. For example if you just care about bosses only, you don’t need to convert Proliferation projectiles with global conversions. Modifiers are enough. But for example in Crucible with many enemies and bosses fighting you at the same time, you might want to do that.
Say I have a weapon with 100 physical damage. Items such as Spellgaze give 20% weapon damage to PRM. Will those 20 extra damage be physical or they will be converted to Aether thanks to Slathsarr’s Crest (My guess is that the crest only affects the base skill but I am not sure about that).
Sorry my bad somehow I was thinking of it as a change into Aether no matter what it was before My question would still hold to a weapon with elemental damage.