I always thought all conversion happened at the same time, but reading again the game guide I got a bit confused. Does this quote mean there are two conversion steps?
If I take aether AAR, convert it to chaos with its transmuter, can I convert it back to aether by using two Albrecht’s Duality rings for example?
Conversion can only occur once, and conversion on a skill occurs before conversion from equipment, so Aldbrect’s Duality rings will not convert it back to aether damage.
Guys I was wrong. Just checked in game and edited my post to avoid confusion.
Sorry for confusing you even further.
For some strange reason i clearly remember to have tried this ages ago, and could have sworn that things worked as i have stated, but this not the case apparently.
EDIT: This is strange indeed. I have recovered an old char of mine (warlock, and he use AAR + Transmuter + 2 Albrecht’s Duality, just as I remembered. It’s possible that the recent patches have changed how conversion work???