Question regarding Solael's Witchfire/Phantasmal Blades


So I have a couple questions regarding the transmuters of these skills.

If I have the transmuter for Solael’s Witchfire that turns 15% physical damage to chaos damage, and I have it on while I’m using say level 1 Forcewave that does 75% of main-hand damage, does that mean that 15*0.75 = 11.25% of physical damage that Forcewave does is converted to chaos? I wasn’t sure how that transferred over between skills.

2nd, does Frenetic Throw make ALL sources of piercing damage go to vitality, or just Phantasmal Blades piercing? I ask because it seems that skills that provide buffs to damage are universal (i.e. it seems that the bleeding damage buffs in the Heartseeker tree will show up on my character sheet as buffing all my bleeding damage).

Thanks in advance!

The physical->chaos conversion does work on weapons. So it also works with % weapon damage skills. But I am not sure it converse other flat physical damage from skills.

My assumption is that such conversion just like the damage conversion on your weapons or Star Pact etc.