Question/Request - "Modstring.txt" from mod's

^^ Thanks! :slight_smile:

LOL, your huge MOD is our policy objective. But, we have to translate each MOD before that. If there are they, we can reduce the portion which should be translated in your MOD.

The text of the same name as a formal game like “tags_items.txt” or “tags_skills.txt” or " tags_ui.txt" etc. is most trouble for us. Moreover, since “tags.txt” is not understood in the text of what MOD, this is not good, either. These must be the names of the MOD.

Anyhow, it is not good to correct the contents by the existing text name at all. Only the text portion required for correction should be built in the text which attached the name of MOD.

As an illustration, the button where your MOD should serve as “Game Guide” is displayed as “Updates”. This is one of the parts changed by the latest updating of GD. If DAIL MOD is built only in the texts of the MODs, such a mistake will not arise.

this is not going to work for some tags as they exist in those already and are used over the ones declared inside another tag_mod_x.txt

this applies to classes and faction and most likely more. So if we dont use the tagClassX=FancyClassName inside the tags_skills.txt it will use the one Crate declared which is either empty or ?.

A text name exists for the facilities of management and ID (e.g. tagSkillClassName=xx) in it is actually important. Therefore, it is not necessary to describe the text of MOD in the existing text. Actually, most MODs are built only in the text of the MOD name.

For example, Coronus MOD is not described in “tags_skills.txt”, but is built only in the text of the special name of “ClassCoronusTags.txt” etc., and a class name is displayed exactly.

And localization of a game is performed only by letting a translation file (Grim Dawn\localization\ pass. When two or more MOD of all writes the class name of each MOD to “tags_skills.txt”, whenever we change MOD, we have to change a translation file. When MOD is built in the text of the name of itself, we should just add it to translation ZIP and don’t need to exchange a translation file. I explained this before.

k, so apparently it works if the file is alphabetically before the “core” tags.

it did not work with tags_wanez_skills.txt but it does if I make it tags_a.txt, well Im gonna try to move my faction tags to something else before tags_ui.txt and see if that works aswell.
Every mod should use their own tag file regardless of how easy it would make it to edit locals. Makes merging with other mods alot easier if the merger doesnt need to check for changes in files used by multiple mods.

and I saw you explained it, I also know how it works, I am doing my research before posting :wink:
it just didnt work for my files :smiley:
and while most tag variables can be changed, some are hardcoded and I had to place those into the core tag.txt otherwise they wouldnt work, now I have to figure out how to name the file :frowning:

got it… will update my tag files to remove the useless duplicated main game tags :smiley:

It’s very strange. However, you don’t need to spend many hours on the thing. Fortunately, there are some texts of the MOD name in your MOD. When MOD has some texts, we are enough to translate if one of them is a name of MOD at least. When all the texts in Tex_EN.arc are brought together in it, translation will be displayed exactly.

Please concentrate you on completing your phenomenal MOD. Thank you for caring about our request. :slight_smile:

Your MOD is a colossal task. I would like to catch up with your MOD speedily. :rolleyes: