
Hey Community :slight_smile:

Simple question. Is it possible to trigger a value in a DBR ingame by any mechanic, maybe via lua script? i.e. the value in malepc01.dbr that is called “targetable”, which could be triggered for pvp on / off… Any idea? Could solve also the “Aura-Bug” in multiplayer…

A few certain ones can be changed by special types of skills / auras but that’s about it.

Also you can access a few via lua but not these that you want.

Thx for fast reply Elfe :slight_smile: Thats cruel, so as a workaround i could just disable it globally for normal pve’ing, and produce a standalone pvp mod, just as an example, i bet :smiley: cause to be honest , its so annoying to click partymembers in pve while in fight instead of the enemy you wanna kill. :confused: in addition, maybe someone from crate reads this and is hardcoding in a button for that under options !=? :smiley: