Does anyone know where in Ashes of Malmouth i can farm the Raka’ Jax Blueprint or Item, or where i can Farm the Korvan Wyrm 2 handed ranged weapons? Thanks in advanced
Sadly,I think that they are completely random.
I recommend if you want Thunderous Strike build to try this It is MI,so it can be farmed easily and also all you need is attack speed suffix,like alacrity.
Several solutions:
- Trade. There’s a thread for legit trading on the forum.
- Craft. Gather the components and find someone to craft it for you.
[li]Optimising Blueprint Hunting:[/li][ul] - Always go the “secret” merchant in Blood Grove.
- Farm Ancient Grove to check the Plant Merchent.
- Farm Shattered Realm. (I don’t know if this is intended but I drop blueprints quite often)
- Farm Nemesis (the chance of getting a blueprint is good from my experience).
You can’t drop a blueprint you already had. So, getting all the “trash” recipes increases your chance to get the one you want.
Personally I recommend rogue dungeons. Chests along the way, bosses and final chests provide a nice steady inflow of new items, run without too much interruption and chasing Nemses (this is vanill farming, don’t do nemeses unless it’s for the challenge or their MI gear)
Bastion of Chaos is a good place to harm since you can sustain skeleton keys well and has great drops.
Korvan Wyrm needs FG xpac if you mean you only have AoE