Questions about Belgothian Piercing Blademaster weapons, WPS and devotion skills

Not long ago i switched my BM from Cold Deathmarked to Piercing Belgothian, so i have some questions which i could not figure out yet. (feel free to argue about setup below, discovering flaws very welcomed)

  1. Which weapon to use beside one Belgothian Slicer? Redemeer of Malmouth worse than double Belgo Slicers?

  2. Why does Shifting Sands (devotion Skill from Azrakaa constellation) sometimes goes off at a nearby target which i didnt attack directly? (tested on dummies, my best guess is that it has something to do with me binding Shifting Sands to Belgo Strikes and AoE WPS?)

  3. There was a discussion about wether or not Amarasta’s Quick Cut WPS is better to be skipped if you can achieve 100% WPS elsewhere. For now, at least for me it works very good if i skip it. Was there any new change about that?

  4. How much of a sustain i get out of the ADctH abilities of Living Shadow from Unknown Soldier constellation? Is this a significant sustain or marginal? (recently switched to it and want to push xp for it but dont want to waste time)

  5. Do you try to “overcap” Attack Speed to overcome Slow debuffs or bad mutators or do you “soft” cap them? (i know there is the 200% cap, but i dont know if i should go over it, e.g. i didnt even need 2 Attack Speed nodes from Blades of Nadaan constellation)

  6. If i have 40% base Piercing on a weapon, and 150% global Piercing than i will end up at 100% Piercing conversion for that weapon right?

  7. Does flat Physical damage from augments or items will be converted too?

  8. Could it be viable to put use some points in general to Fighting Spirit because of Belgothian’s Carnage relic? (normally you see only 1pointing that skill because of its CD nature)

I’ve made a tankier version for myself, and the dps is also enough to do well in endgame but you can’t kill ravager or calla without making some changes which I haven’t tried yet, but as it is u can kill ravager of the flesh on elite with this(still hard though, you need to be clever on blade barrier and ghoul cd) you can check if you like.

Double Belgothian is kinda bis.

Yes because of the aoe of the wps skill, sometimes the other target hit triggers the proc so it start from that location.

If you are not going to invest heavy points, aqc is dps decrease but if you heavily overcapped the skill, like 13/8 atleast, then with the crit damage, it can boost single target dps.

It can’t save your life by itself but it’s kinda a %3-5 more global adcth bonus.

Belgothian Sigil is kinda bis here so it’s proc overcappes your as most of the time but you should keep the as without buffs atleast %185

%40 piercing on weapon + %100 increasing piercing makes it %80 and plus %50 makes it %100 so all physical damage converting to pierce.

Kinda confusing but yes.

Fighting Spirit imo is an underrated proc, gives very nice oa and some damage so if you can spare points keep it capped.

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thats not that bad, and as you got it too, i will go for it, nice

You say this even though you dont use the relic, so i will try to cap Fighting Spirit, because i could easily cut down that CD by a couple of seconds. Thanks for pointing that this skill is not useless. I have the points for it. I have a warlord with overcapped skill, and using also that MI medal makes it even better, huge oa and damage bonus with %45 chance. The skill has very good duration time imo, 8 sec is more than enough for most bosses.

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I have a related question about the Belgothian’s Strikes skill that you get from the set. With 4 WPS skills whose %'s add up to 100% like shown in the build, do you ever actually hit with Belgothian’s Strikes? Once the %'s are up to 100 does it matter if you were to have a default weapon attack in that slot instead, for example?

Does the attack speed and flat pierce from belgothian’s strikes apply to WPS skills?

Wps are always proc along with the attack replacer except third hit of cadence, so everything multiplies, not sure about the exact math but when you have %100 wps, all belgothian strike you spam, hits plus a wps proc so it’s like for example %140 weapon damage/ other bonusses+ %150 weapon damage/other bonusses. It’s like a double hit that happens at the same time. Amastras Quick Cut however act a bit different because it hit 3 times in a row very fastly so that 3 hits doesn’t hit your attack replacer(not that fast so it lowers your dps when not heavily invested the skill and if you have very high attack speed)

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As long as you have at least one charge level of Belgo Strikes you will get all listed bonuses. And those are not excluding in any way WPS or the other way around.
WPS ontop on Autoattack Replacers (Savagery, Fire Strike, Belgo Strikes, Righteous Fervor etc) is the holy grail of Autoattack Melee, best in conjunction with high Attack Speed.
The math behind Attack Replacers multieplied by WPS is beyond my math capacity. But its a bonus ontop(afaik multiplicative), absolutely certain.