Quick question about Ashes of Malmouth


Does anybody know if you need to start from scratch when Ashes of Malmouth is available or can I continue my current game?

You can continue your current game. The only thing you’ll be missing out is low level epic’s for new classes, which you can always get from leveling new builds later. If you’re mid-way through elite or ultimate, you can go a difficulty back and play the expansion content. From what the dev’s said you need to complete only the base game to go up a difficulty~

you can carry on with your existing characters … or start from scratch, your call! personally i will start a new char and play the rest of toons only when i have completed the entire game with fresh char;)

Correct. I actually brought my Conjurer back out of Elite to playtest the expansion in Normal when it was given to us so no problems with playing current or new toons.

Elite difficulty is unlocked when you kill Logherrean on Normal and Ultimate when you do the same on Elite difficulty. You don’t have to play the expansion to unlock the next difficulty.

Thanks. So the most sensible thing seems to start from scratch. I am now mesmerised by DOS:2 but I will restart GD when I get the expansion.

I’ll do the exact opposite. Exploration is a top priority for me. After that I’ll start off with the apostate class

Let me ask you this: in what game has this ever been the case? Because in all my 33 years I have never seen a single one.

I am not sure. I think it depends on how many changes are made. Sometimes it’s common practice older savegames don’t work anymore because a big change has been introduced.

If you have not played with a char for a long time (e.g. 2 years; but not sure), then you might have issues. However, if you have loaded the char into the game every now and then, then safe files have been updated.

I still have my very first char from testing B1 (spring 2013) and it works fine. Only thing is I have achieved Nemesis status with the Aetherials at level 22, because the reputation systems was not balanced back then.

Again, you claim “common practice” but I have never in all my life seen it happen once. Unless you’re conflating “expansion” and “sequel” for some reason, but that would make even less sense.

Diablo2 you could only do skill/Stats quests! In PoE you´d almost had to restart a new char! Dunno what PoE is like nowadays!

I’ve gotten all my older characters up to 85 (commando, warder, blademaster) plus a new battlemage to 80 and another new sorcerer to 75 in preparation for the expansion. Which, no doubt, means that I’ll ignore all of them and start a new character with the expansion… Oh, and I have a low level witch hunter and spell breaker, they’ll probably end up as mules.

Just to give you guys an idea here, if you start new with the intention of beating Norm/Vet and carrying on in to the expac content remaining on this difficulty, you will likely be around level 70 (perhaps closer to 75) by the end of it. This is with trying to fully explore everything (including the base game) and just generally being a completionist.

I wholeheartedly support this :slight_smile:


I guess I should also iterate that in my case this also included light amounts of farming/redoing some areas in order to achieve easier reputation tiers, ie; for Kymon’s, Mog’s shrine, Anasteria etc.

It was slightly painful being a completionist when you really, really just want to get in to the new content to see it and test it. Naturally some of the others had long been thru all the new stuff well before us pokier players ever made it in to it.

a tear was in the corner of my eye sitting there waiting for release
its waiting for october 11 :slight_smile: