Quick questions

First I’d like to say how much I respect all of the people putting in their time to make mods and to figure out the tools. You have much more patience than I.

Second - couple of questions. How difficult would it be to create a Veteran Elite / Ultimate mode?
Would this be akin to creating everything from scratch?

Also, is there any possible way to set auto-loot on components? Nothing kills a rampage worse than having to go back over a full screen and pick those things up one at a time.


pls http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=36

One of our modders is experimenting with making components auto loot. We talked about it but he’s doing all the actual work. I don’t have any updates from him in the past 12 hours on the topic.

On difficulty, I don’t see Veteran mode anywhere, however there are files inside records\game\ that reference database/templates/gameadjustment.tpl

gameadjustment.tpl would be how you make difficulty changes. The actual menu options to select the different difficulty I don’t know but are probably hard coded. Here are a few more game balance related options:
C:\gdunused\modsbig\masterread\records>findstr /s /i balance *

You can also edit combatformulas.dbr and gameengine.dbr to adjust settings on a mod specific basis.

I personally don’t know where the different difficulty names are set. gameengine.dbr will sometimes have 3 numbers for a value, these are “per difficulty”

Max Cap is set across all difficulty, Min Cap goes up with higher difficulty.

Difficulty names show up in
tags_ui.txt at the top and tags_uimain.txt at line 61