Range of my ranged characters


I am “relatively” new to this game, I’ve played it for approx 2 years now, approx 1 hour per day, and I like very much the ranged characters. Over the time, I tried to create shooting builds, it took me approximately one year to finish these builds so I am happy with them.

General information:

  • half of the builds wield two pistols, one quarter of the builds wield rifle and one quarter of the builds wield crossbow
  • every damage type (with the exception of piercing damage and bleeding damage) is covered
  • every build has at least 80% + 40% overcapped resistances, with the exception of stun resistance, which is at least 80%, values of tertiary resistances are the result of equipped items, no extra care was provided to them
  • the builds were / are not primarily designed to be played on Crucible, Shattered Realm or designed to kill the Celestials (Ravager, Mogdrogen, etc.), they were created for the main campaign
  • every DW ranged build uses the Hydra constellation
  • every 2H ranged build uses the Hydra and Kraken constellation
  • every build uses the % resist reducing constellation of the corresponding type
  • every build has at least OA 2600, DA 2600 and AR 2300

Disclaimer: All builds were theorycrafted by me (independently on what made other players) and some of them are in the process of being played through the game on SC. None of the build has reached Level 100 yet, some of them hasn’t been even started yet.

The builds are presented in more details in next 8 contributions to this thread. For now, the short list goes as follows:

  1. Bonnie Barrow (P) - - - 2) Bonnie Barrow (R)

  2. Fiona Frost (P) - - - 4) Fiona Frost (C)

  3. Mary Lamb (P) - - - 6) Mary Lamb (C)

  4. Carmen Fuego (P) - - - 8) Carmen Fuego (R)

  5. Marianne Rutherford (P) - - - 10) Marianne Rutherford (R)

  6. Vita Vivaldi (P) - - - 12) Vita Vivaldi (C)

  7. Annie Angel (P) - - - 14) Annie Angel (R)

  8. Rennie Wild (P) - - - 16) Rennie Wild (C)

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Physical Tacticians: Level 66 both

Bonnie Barrow (P)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: none
Rings: Mythical Menhirian / Coven Storm Seal
Amulet: Mythical Will of the Blade
Medal: none
Relic: Oleron’s Wrath
Armor: Mythical Devil’s Cage Hauberk
Trousers: Mythical Hellforged Legplates
Helm: Mythical Dawnshard Gaze
Shoulders: Mythical Bonewraith Pauldrons
Gloves: The Crimson Claws
Boots: Mythical Stonetreaders
Belt: Mythical Reforged Chains of Oleron

-42% Physical Resistance Reduction

  • -10% from Venom of the Black Matriarch, 15% Chance on Attack (Ring)
  • -32% from Assassin’s Mark, 100% Chance on Critical Attack (Constellation proc)

Bonnie Barrow (R)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: Mythical Adversary
Rings: Mythical Menhirian / Coven Storm Seal
Amulet: Mythical Will of the Blade
Medal: none
Relic: Oleron’s Wrath
Armor: Mythical Devil’s Cage Hauberk
Trousers: Mythical Hellforged Legplates
Helm: Mythical Dawnshard Gaze
Shoulders: Mythical Bonewraith Pauldrons
Gloves: The Crimson Claws
Boots: Mythical Stonetreaders
Belt: Mythical Reforged Chains of Oleron

-42% Physical Resistance Reduction

  • -10% from Venom of the Black Matriarch, 15% Chance on Attack (Ring)
  • -32% from Assassin’s Mark, 100% Chance on Critical Attack (Constellation proc)

Question: Why don’t you use War Cry and Inquisitor Seal?
Answer: I tried both aforementioned skills, but it slowed my gameplay and it was not convenient for me to play with those two skills, so I ommited them. If you insist, grab a few points and go for War Cry and / or Inquisitor Seal, if you want.

Question: Why don’t you use Aura of Conviction instead of Oleron’s Rage?
Answer: I know that Aura of Conviction provides extra Physical Resistance, but intuitively, I like the Oleron’s Rage better and point-wise, Aura of Conviction means more points spent to progress to unlock it, while Oleron’s Rage is in a closer distance in the terms of spent points from the very last Soldier passive bonus skill (Scars of Battle).

Cold Tricksters: Level 65 both

Fiona Frost (P)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: none
Rings: Mythical Chillsurge Ring / Prime Ring of Morgoneth
Amulet: Mythical Heart of the Mountain
Medal: Ilgorr’s Eternal Curse / Mythical Undying Oath
Relic: none
Armor: none
Trousers: Mythical Mageguard Legguards
Helm: Mythical Crown of the Winter King / Korba’s Hood
Shoulders: Mythical Deathmarked Shoulderguard
Gloves: none
Boots: Galewind Treads
Belt: Mythical Spellbreaker Waistguard

-56% Cold Resistance Reduction

  • -33% from Veil of Shadow (Aura / Buff)
  • -23% from Rumor, 15% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc)

Fiona Frost (C)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: none
Rings: Mythical Chillsurge Ring / Prime Ring of Morgoneth
Amulet: Mythical Heart of the Mountain
Medal: Ilgorr’s Eternal Curse / Mythical Undying Oath
Relic: none
Armor: none
Trousers: Mythical Mageguard Legguards
Helm: Mythical Crown of the Winter King / Korba’s Hood
Shoulders: Mythical Deathmarked Shoulderguard
Gloves: none
Boots: Galewind Treads
Belt: Mythical Spellbreaker Waistguard

-56% Cold Resistance Reduction

  • -33% from Veil of Shadow (Aura / Buff)
  • -23% from Rumor, 15% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc)

Question: Why don’t you use Blade Barrier?
Answer: I think Pneumatic Burst, „life leech 5%“ and health potion do just fine. If you insist, grab a few points and go for Blade Barrier, if you want.

Question: Why don’t you use Wind Devil? Your Cold Resistance Reduction is not high enough.
Answer: I know, reducing a Cold Resistance, or Elemental Resistance is important, but if you insist, you can grab a „Viper“ constellation, if you think that the -56% value needs to be made higher.

Lightning Druids: to be done

Mary Lamb (P)

Altternative gear:
Guns: Mythical Barrelsmith Crossfire + Mythical Barrelsmith’s Salvo
Rifle: none
Rings: Coven Storm Seal
Amulet: Mythical Dawnbreaker’s Beacon / Mythical Ultos’ Gem
Medal: Mythical Tempest Sigil
Relic: Plunderer’s Talisman
Armor: Mythical Ultos’ Cuirass
Trousers: Mythical Stormcage Legguards
Helm: Mythical Ultos’ Hood
Shoulders: Mythical Dawnbreaker’s Shoulderguard / Mythical Ultos’ Spaulders
Gloves: Mythical Inscribed Bracers
Boots: Mythical Stormtitan Treads
Belt: Mythical Voidmancer’s Cord

-35% Lightning Resistance Reduction

  • -35% from Arcane Bomb, 25% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc, Device)

Mary Lamb (C)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: Mythical Raka’Jax
Rings: Coven Storm Seal
Amulet: Mythical Dawnbreaker’s Beacon / Mythical Ultos’ Gem
Medal: Mythical Tempest Sigil
Relic: none
Armor: Mythical Ultos’ Cuirass
Trousers: Mythical Stormcage Legguards
Helm: Mythical Ultos’ Hood
Shoulders: Mythical Dawnbreaker’s Shoulderguard / Mythical Ultos’ Spaulders
Gloves: Mythical Inscribed Bracers
Boots: Mythical Stormtitan Treads
Belt: Mythical Voidmancer’s Cord

-35% Lightning Resistance Reduction

  • -35% from Arcane Bomb, 25% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc, Device)

Question: Why don’t you use Nullification?
Answer: Fair point. If you insist, grab a few points and go for Nullification, if you want.

Question: Why don’t you use Wind Devil? Your Lightning Resistance Reduction is not high enough.
Answer: I know, reducing a Lightning Resistance, or Elemental Resistance is important, but if you insist, you can grab a „Viper“ constellation for the higher Lightning / Elemental Resistance Reduction.

Fire Sorceresses: Level 53 both

Carmen Fuego (P)

Altternative gear:
Guns: Dagallon’s Destroyer + Dagallon’s Annihilator
Rifle: none
Rings: Mythical Band of the Eternal Pyre / Mythical Combustion Band
Amulet: Mythical Flames of Wrath
Medal: Pyroclasm Mark (not the Legendary one!!!)
Relic: Korvaak’s Deception
Armor: Dagallon’s Armor
Trousers: Mythical Runeplates of Ignaffar
Helm: Dagallon’s Faceguard
Shoulders: Mythical Shadowflame Mantle
Gloves: Cindertouch
Boots: Stormbearers
Belt: Cinderplate Girdle

-23% Fire Resistance Reduction

  • -23% from Eldritch Fire, 25% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc)

Carmen Fuego (R)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: Mythical Hellborne
Rings: Mythical Band of the Eternal Pyre / Mythical Combustion Band
Amulet: Mythical Flames of Wrath
Medal: Mythical Korvaak’s Brand
Relic: Korvaak’s Deception
Armor: Dagallon’s Armor
Trousers: Mythical Runeplates of Ignaffar
Helm: Dagallon’s Faceguard
Shoulders: Mythical Shadowflame Mantle
Gloves: Cindertouch
Boots: Stormbearers
Belt: Cinderplate Girdle

-23% Fire Resistance Reduction

  • -23% from Eldritch Fire, 25% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc)

Question: Why don’t you use Blast Shield?
Answer: This build is literally point hungry and when I had to choose among Mirror of Ereoctes, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection and Blast Shield, I chose Mirror of Ereoctes. If you insist, grab a few points and go for Blast Shield, if you want.

Question: Why don’t you use Maiven’s Sphere of Protection?
Answer: This build is literally point hungry and when I had to choose among Mirror of Ereoctes, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection and Blast Shield, I chose Mirror of Ereoctes. If you insist, grab a few points and go for Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, if you want.

Question: Why don’t you use Thermite Mine? Your Fire Resistance Reduction is not high enough.
Answer: I know, reducing a Fire Resistance, or Elemental Resistance is important, but if you insist, you can grab a „Viper“ constellation for the higher Fire / Elemental Resistance Reduction.

Acid Witch Huntresses: Level 51 both

Marianne Rutherford (P)

Altternative gear:
Guns: Mythical Plagueborne Revolver (2x)
Rifle: none
Rings: Mythical Ring of the Black Matriarch
Amulet: Mythical Pestilence of Dreeg / Mythical Black Gem of Dreeg
Medal: Mythical Mark of the False Gods / Mark of Lethal Intents
Relic: Plunderer’s Talisman / Dreeg’s Affliction
Armor: Mythical Venomancer’s Raiment
Trousers: Mythical Nidalla’s Legwraps
Helm: Mythical Venomancer’s Guile
Shoulders: Mythical Mantle of Dreeg
Gloves: Mythical Vilescorn Bracers
Boots: Mythical Stonetreaders
Belt: Mythical String of Maggots / Mythical Murmur’s Kiss

-85% Acid Resistance Reduction

  • -29% from Veil of Shadow (Aura / Buff)
  • -26% from Curse of Frailty (Curse / Debuff)
  • -30% from Rumor, 15% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc)

Marianne Rutherford (R)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: Mythical Quillthrower of Dreeg
Rings: Mythical Ring of the Black Matriarch
Amulet: Mythical Pestilence of Dreeg / Mythical Black Gem of Dreeg
Medal: Mythical Mark of the False Gods / Mark of Lethal Intents
Relic: Dreeg’s Affliction
Armor: Mythical Venomancer’s Raiment
Trousers: Mythical Nidalla’s Legwraps
Helm: Mythical Venomancer’s Guile
Shoulders: Mythical Mantle of Dreeg
Gloves: Mythical Vilescorn Bracers
Boots: Mythical Stonetreaders
Belt: Mythical String of Maggots / Mythical Pack of Deadly Means

-85% Acid Resistance Reduction

  • -29% from Veil of Shadow (Aura / Buff)
  • -26% from Curse of Frailty (Curse / Debuff)
  • -30% from Rumor, 15% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc)

Question: Why don’t you use Blade Barrier?
Answer: I think Pneumatic Burst, Blood of Dreeg and health potion do just fine. If you insist, grab a few points and go for Blade Barrier, if you want.

Vitality Cabalists: to be done

Vita Vivaldi (P)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: none
Rings: Bysmiel Vile Seal / Prime Ring of Morgoneth
Amulet: Uroboruuk’s Eye / Mythical Pestilence of Dreeg
Medal: Mythical Undying Oath
Relic: none
Armor: Uroboruuk’s Robes / Mythical Voidforged Battle Plate
Trousers: Mythical Flesheater Legwraps
Helm: Dark One’s Hood
Shoulders: Radaggan’s Mantle
Gloves: Mythical Haruud’s Frigid Grip
Boots: Mythical Desecrator Treads
Belt: Mythical String of Maggots / Mythical Girdle of Stolen Dreams

-125% Vitality Resistance Reduction

  • -28% from Curse of Frailty (Curse / Debuff)
  • -35% from Spectral Binding, 100% Chance when Hit (Buff / Debuff)
  • -12% from Mortal Coil, 10% Chance on Attack (Weapon)
  • -15% from Mark of the Fallen, 20% Chance on Critical Attack (Ring)
  • -10% from Curse of Crushed Resolve, 25% Chance when Hit (Ring)
  • -25% from Will of Rattosh, 15% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc)

Vita Vivaldi (C)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: Mythical Soullance
Rings: Bysmiel Vile Seal / Prime Ring of Morgoneth
Amulet: Uroboruuk’s Eye / Mythical Pestilence of Dreeg
Medal: Mythical Undying Oath
Relic: none
Armor: Uroboruuk’s Robes / Mythical Voidforged Battle Plate
Trousers: Mythical Flesheater Legwraps
Helm: Dark One’s Hood
Shoulders: Radaggan’s Mantle
Gloves: Mythical Haruud’s Frigid Grip
Boots: Mythical Desecrator Treads
Belt: Mythical String of Maggots / Mythical Girdle of Stolen Dreams

-110% Vitality Resistance Reduction

  • -27% from Curse of Frailty (Curse / Debuff)
  • -33% from Spectral Binding, 100% Chance when Hit (Buff / Debuff)
  • -15% from Mark of the Fallen, 20% Chance on Critical Attack (Ring)
  • -10% from Curse of Crushed Resolve, 25% Chance when Hit (Ring)
  • -25% from Will of Rattosh, 15% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc)

Question: Why don’t you use Possession instead of Harbinger of Souls?
Answer: This is a very individual choice, if you want more attack speed, „life leech“ and some decent conversion into Vitality damage (all provided by Harbinger of Souls), or if you want % damage absorption, % Chaos Resistance and % Skill Disruption Protection (all provided by Possession).

Question: Why don’t you use Bone Harvest?
Answer: When maxed, Bone Harvest consumes 40 skillpoints, while temporary buff Call of the Grave and mutual connection establishing skill Mark of Torment consume only 20 skillpoints.

Aether Spellbinders: to be done

Annie Angel (P)

Altternative gear:
Guns: Hex Launcher / Mythical Dissenter / Mythical Soulflayer
Rifle: none
Rings: Mythical Screams of the Aether / Mythical Band of the Eternal Haunt
Amulet: Uroboruuk’s Eye
Medal: none
Relic: Impurity / Plunderer’s Talisman
Armor: Uroboruuk’s Robes / Fateweaver’s Raiment
Trousers: Mythical Astral Legwraps
Helm: Outcast’s Secret / Mythical Crown of the Revenant King
Shoulders: Mythical Bonewraith Pauldrons
Gloves: Mythical Soul’s Touch
Boots: Mythical Wraithwalkers
Belt: Mythical Arcanoweave Cord

-69% Aether Resistance Reduction

  • -34% from Spectral Binding, 100% Chance when Hit (Buff / Debuff)
  • -35% from Arcane Bomb, 25% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc, Device)

Annie Angel (R)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: Mythical Dreadscorcher / Cosmic Torrent
Rings: Mythical Screams of the Aether / Mythical Band of the Eternal Haunt
Amulet: Uroboruuk’s Eye
Medal: none
Relic: Impurity
Armor: Uroboruuk’s Robes / Fateweaver’s Raiment
Trousers: Mythical Astral Legwraps
Helm: Outcast’s Secret / Mythical Crown of the Revenant King
Shoulders: Mythical Bonewraith Pauldrons
Gloves: Mythical Soul’s Touch
Boots: Mythical Wraithwalkers
Belt: Mythical Arcanoweave Cord

-69% Aether Resistance Reduction

  • -34% from Spectral Binding, 100% Chance when Hit (Buff / Debuff)
  • -35% from Arcane Bomb, 25% Chance on Attack (Constellation proc, Device)

Question: Why don’t you use Harbinger of Souls instead of Reckless Power?
Answer: Though the „life leech“, provided by Harbinger of Souls is nice, there is a decent damage conversion, which could potentially reduce a damage output by a bit. Reckless Power doesn’t provide any „life leech“, but the decent damage conversion ends in Aether damage. If you want get more „life leech“, use Harbinger of Souls.

Question: Why don’t you use Nullification?
Answer: Fair point. There are 5 points left, so the skill can be incorporated into both versions of the aether build.

Chaos Warlocks: Level 10 both

Rennie Wild (P)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: none
Rings: Mythical Sigil of the Depraved / Blazeseer Signet
Amulet: none
Medal: Blazeseer Crest / Mythical Mark of the False Gods
Relic: Agrivix’s Malice
Armor: none
Trousers: none
Helm: none
Shoulders: none
Gloves: none
Boots: none
Belt: Mythical Sash of the Bloodlord

-69% Chaos Resistance Reduction

  • -25% from Curse of Frailty (Curse / Debuff)
  • -16% from Darkflame, 15% Chance on Attack (Weapon)
  • -10% from Curse of the Void, 33% Chance on Critical Attack (Ring)
  • -8% from Combustion, 10% Chance on Attack (Ring)
  • -10% from Solael’s Flame, a Skill, granted by Symbol of Solael (Component)

-20% for 2 seconds Chaos Resistance Reduction

  • from Touch of Chaos (Rah’Zin’s Complete Set Bonus, Attack Replacer)

-15 for 3 seconds Reduced Target’s Resistances

  • from Black Star, 10% Chance on Attack (Medal)

Rennie Wild (C)

Altternative gear:
Guns: none
Rifle: none
Rings: Mythical Sigil of the Depraved / Blazeseer Signet
Amulet: none
Medal: Blazeseer Crest / Mythical Mark of the False Gods
Relic: Agrivix’s Malice
Armor: none
Trousers: none
Helm: none
Shoulders: none
Gloves: none
Boots: none
Belt: Mythical Sash of the Bloodlord

-73% Chaos Resistance Reduction

  • -25% from Curse of Frailty (Curse / Debuff)
  • -20% from Harbinger’s Mark, 100% Chance on Critical Attack (Weapon)
  • -10% from Curse of the Void, 33% Chance on Critical Attack (Ring)
  • -8% from Combustion, 10% Chance on Attack (Ring)
  • -10% from Solael’s Flame, a Skill, granted by Symbol of Solael (Component)

-20% for 2 seconds Chaos Resistance Reduction

  • from Touch of Chaos (Rah’Zin’s Complete Set Bonus, Attack Replacer)

-15 for 3 seconds Reduced Target’s Resistances

  • from Black Star, 10% Chance on Attack (Medal)

Question: Why don’t you use Nullification?
Answer: Fair point. If you insist, grab a few points and go for Nullification, if you want.

Question: Shouldn’t this build use a Doom Bolt as one of the main damage source dealers?
Answer: Well, maybe, the support for this particular skill is strong, especially through „The Harbinger“ set, but if I remember correctly, Doom Bolt doesn’t have AoE effect, or does it? So it could maybe shine against the bosses or any individual monster.

ranged expertise
for some reason you didn’t take it despite not being remotely close to speed cap

as a bonus note, chilling rounds is stonks on ranged Cadence because it fast charges your Cadence shot

as a note, viper is not remotely close in value to maxed raging tempest, tho i totally understand if not wanting to constantly cast devils, but it is a huge dmg increase

you have plenty points placed elsewhere for little gain that could easily have been placed there

same as with devils, viper is nowhere close to the same dmg gain on most targets, but if not wanting to deal with the mechanics or clumsiness of mines as a gunner that can be understandable, it’s a rather big dmg boost on high resist enemies tho

you don’t need to max it
1pt main node, then max soul harvest for the dmg buff

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I dont want to disappoint you, but your ranged characters are very weak. They might be enough to clear campain, but they arent fit for endgame content like Gladiator Crucible 170, etc.
Anyone can make such “builds” in batches, the true challenge is to make a good enough build to face most challenges the game throws at you.

Not the point of these builds though BOG as the OP makes clear in their first post.

Not everyone wants to do Crucible or SR. We love to do the main campaign and that’s it so it never hurts to have builds that don’t cater for those specialities. It makes a change to see someone who’s not building for those “endgame” options.


None of the build has reached level 100. I can’t tell you, how bad / good they will do in eg. SR. If you want tell me, you can implement the builds into the game and test it. Unless tested properly, can’t tell you…

You see the best game “experience” in Crucible, SR and killing the Celestials? I don’t. The difficulty of Celestials, compared to the main campaign, goes “through the roof”. It is the similar case like with Diablo 2, where you can find “Über bosses” and no matter which class you play, every character dresses the same into those Über areas" and uses the same oskills.

(Oskill means to use a skill of another mastery…)

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I dont neglect main campain either, it’s an important part of the game too. Whenever i want to try a new build with new mastery combo, i make a character from scratch and level it in MC, not just making a maxlvl char with GDStash or something. It’s just that th mostof the MC content is way too easy, unless you start with Elite or even Ultimate at level 1.

Yeah, it was pretty atrocious experience in D2.
In GD, things are better and there is a lot of diversity even among builds that can clear endgame content. Even though a vast majority of possible setups arent qualified for it.
And droprates for endgame items in GD are VASTLY better. Any player has a real chance to get endgame items and make a poweful build after farming for a while. In D2 farming even a single powerful endgame item is akin to winning a lottery.

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I’m running a 2h ranged fire build right now, and I can say with 100% confidence that your fire build has nowhere near enough fire RR. By the time you get to Ultimate (maybe even in Elite), a single Ember Clan Grobble Warrior or Flame Revenant will feel like a superboss. I have to hit them with Eldritch Fire, and maxed-out Thermite Mines, and maxed-out Agonizing Flames, and the Viper constellation, and only then will they die after about the third rifle bullet to the face. Trying to shoot them to death with just Eldritch Fire and Viper is like fighting a training dummy that shoots back.

Those aren’t the only yard-trash monsters you’ll have trouble with, just the ones that are freshest on my mind. Everything in this game has fire resistance, even the scarecrows (oh, but don’t worry; these beings whose bodies are entirely composed of old cloth and dead straw are only mildly fire resistant), and a whole lot of creatures have stupid fire resistance. -23% fire RR is a joke to them.

Temper isn’t doing you a whole hell of a lot of good; you’re basically only getting DA from it, and it’s expensive DA in terms of skill point cost. Same with Overload and OA, and Elemental Balance and crit% (although that’s arguably a better choice). I’d suggest taking the points out of Temper and putting some into BWC (just enough that you get a radius you like) and the rest into Agonizing Flames.

Thermite Mines are a bit tough to use on a ranged character, because of their casting range, but they last long enough that if you cast them before you start shooting, they’ll be around to scorch the ones that manage to get close, and they’re good to kite bosses back and forth through. I’d take the points directly from Overload, or from a combination of Overload and Balance.

For the glyph on your medal, you might consider Rising Phoenix. Not only does it drop a ton of burn damage, but it also has the most important thing you can have on a ranged character: a leap backwards, away from danger, instead of forwards and into danger.

I’d also suggest switching out your relic for Ulzin’s Pyroclasm, but that could just be a difference in styles. :smiley:


Could you, please, modify the fire build I have posted so it has adopted your suggestions? And are you talking about the DW Fire char, or 2H Fire char, or both?

Feel free to elaborate on the builds.

Thanks for the input!


I took Temper down to the soft cap, and reduced Overload and Elemental Balance to near the minimum. Notice that you’re still rocking ~2800 OA and DA, which is, as far as I understand it, the endgame baseline standard. I also took Brimstone down to the soft cap, because you were spending 6 skill points for a grand total of about 50 damage. Same with Static Strike (although you could arguably ditch Static Strike altogether, as it’s doing almost nothing practical for you; a chance of lightning damage and a chance of a non-boss knockdown isn’t worth all that investment imo). I also took a couple points out of Ulzuin’s Wrath; it seems to have a funky range requirement (not too close, not too far) to even trigger, and I rarely saw it do so when I was leveling with it. Besides, the point of a ranged build is to get hit less.

Instead, I put points into Blast Shield, which works no matter how far away your attacker is, and gives a lot more survivability.

For the rest of the points, I put them into BWC to the soft cap, for that sweet ~6m radius (it’s huge, I love it) and maxed out Agonizing Flames for an extra -30 flat RR. I also maxed out Thermite Mines, which will work as a sort of last-line-of-defense against critters that survive the BWC and your gun (which are always going to be the ones that most need their resistance shredded). I stuck the leftover points into Inner Focus for the passive spirit/OA buff.

Personally, I would ditch Ulzuin’s Wrath and Temper altogether to put more into Inner Focus, Arcane Will, and Alacrity. I didn’t do the math, but I’m pretty sure that the OA bonus from Inner Focus comes out to be higher than the OA bonus from Overload at equal point investments, but I could be wrong about that. Since the only practical benefit Overload is giving you is OA (well, other than a 100% chance of a 33% chance of giving you a pitiful amount of burn DOT), you might want to play around with those ratios.

As for equipment, I’m sure there are better guns out there (I’m thinking of the MI Ugdenbog Flamethrowers, specifically, or that rifle you can get from killing The Messenger in FG, but I don’t have time right now to go through and compare all the other options). I only made a couple of minor adjustments. I changed out the component on your weapon for a Seal of Destruction, which better supports your main damage type, I put the Glyph of the Rising Phoenix on your medal (Korvaak’s Brand might be a better choice for a medal, now that I think of it, but again, I didn’t do that math), and I replaced your relic with Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm (it’s pretty much just a bigger, better version of the one you were already using).

That gives you a grand total of -83 fire RR (+whatever Viper works out to be in the end[1]), 30 of which is automatic on hit with BWC and another 35 is automatic when they get closer (as opposed to Eldritch’s 15% chance). That’s enough to take the ultimate-difficulty Flame Revenant’s 105% down to something reasonable.

[1] Viper isn’t a flat -20% resistance, it’s “-20% of whatever’s left after everything else.” Which means that if, after all the other RR has been applied, the enemy’s fire resistance is down to 50%, Viper takes off 20% of that (a total of 10, bringing it down to 40%).


just a quick “playing around” with your fire builds - to see if the damage can be increased (incl RR)

Sorcerer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (dw)

Sorcerer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (2h)


Hi @The_Coyote !

Thank you for taking those two builds under your hands.

  1. Damage is definitely higher
  2. Armor Rating is slightly lower (but I assume it doesn’t matter that much)
    3a) + 3b) OA and DA is definitely higher
  3. Resistances are not overcapped enough… The DW build has +20% - +30% overcapped resistances, and the 2H build has +15% overcapped resistances. I’ve heard +40% overcap is what should I aim for…
  4. The 2H build - you have spent 1 (5) points in “Fabric of Reality”… Why? Because of the DMG boost against Aetherials and Chthonics?

@The_Coyote Please, feel free to look at all of my builds and improve them, if necessary. I totally agree that the fire ones could be improved, they were quite tough to finish with some “adequate” results.

On the other hand - the Vitality builds and Chaos builds have done very nice RR (look for yourself)… The acid builds have mediocre RR…

not on all res
35-45 on elemental and aether
rest can be lower
vitality is nice to have up too but doesn’t really “need” 40
poison doesn’t really need 40 either, 20-30 is plenty
chaos you can do fine with 15-20
pierce and bleed you can safely have pretty low too, specially if you’re not doing sr 75 or celestials
sure if you do/can get 40 all it’s totally fine, but it’s not mandatory

as with all things it depends on the overall build and the content you wanna do