Ranged cadence builds

Are there any ranged cadence builds for tactician that can be used in the latest patch.
So far the only one ive seen is pretty old.I also want level up with ranged cadence so are there any guides or a general direction for them.

You can check if this needs any changes

is this build viable in the current patch?

Ask the creator in the thread.

Here is a link from an updated cadence tactician. Of course its an endgame build but you can get a general sense what to look out for.

Maybe you could use these items for leveling
Ugdenbog Boltthrower
Gutworm’s Mark

and Goredrinker in endgame

[edit] Thankfully I’m not needed anymore, Eard has come.

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Cadence tactician with havoc like the video linked will be tanky, great for superbosses, okay/slowish for SR, and awful for crucible. Cadence with deathdealer pistols is currently the fastest variety, with warlord having better damage while tactician has better tank.

You can also run elemental cadence witchblade! Or lightning cadence tactician! Ranged pistol cadence is generally in a good spot right now