Ranged Cold Cadence Needs Some More Support

So being the utterly mad enby I am I thought I’d give ranged Cold Cadence a go. It’s not actually that bad and rather tanky, just slow as all hell due to the lack of flat damage sources for ranged builds. Melee obviously has a ton more support to make even cold BM’s more effective + Coldstones and their aura that ranged cold builds will never have :sob:

Anyhow, here’s the gory evidence:

Easiest way to help would be to give Mythical Hagarradian Enforcer 100 flat cold damage to Cadence + 100% pierce damage converted to cold damage to Cadence. Doesn’t need +skills, because it’s not hard to get the skill points and 26/16 isn’t always needed either :stuck_out_tongue:

But given how good the same boni have worked for lightning Cadence, it would definitely help boost it from a meme to a solid build choice.

Even if it still doesn’t have enough RR lawl.

why oh why are you taking RoH :confounded: - and on Cadence of all the AAs no less, the one that is most impacted by any speed interrupt, naturally sporting barely any cast speed to boot :woozy_face:
assign your devos to wps or :inquisitorseal::neutral_face:

Because RoH has DA shred and WPS can trigger devotion procs.

Also, deep SR requires you often to gtfo so binding stuff to Inquisitor Seal isn’t the best option sadly in my experience for all builds using Inquisitor.

you already have DA shred on MA :neutral_face:
and casting RoH is bad for cadence cycling “which is what you want to emphasize on a cadence build, specially when you’re complaining about damadz”

i don’t know what you’re saying here, because it’s just confirming what i’m suggesting ? (“yet you’re not doing that very thing” - except for chill rounds)

you can cast seal and it stays around, you can toss 3 seals and move around, basically it double bonuses because you can have a seal on you and “in between” gtfo so enemies are affected at a distance
point is to use a skill you’re already using, not put in another slow AA interrupter, on a skill which entire dmg is based on getting charged asap because low inbetween dmg…

i also just noticed you left 1pt out of deadly momentum, the forehead wrinkles deepens :no_mouth: :

That’s a very unfortunate amount of context for a quote containing this word if you ask me :laughing:



Is the Inquisitor the best second mastery, when you want cold Cadence build? And I pretty much doubt the ranged weapon as such.

My bet would be Nightblade as second mastery and one weapon, IMO, should be Mythical Dreadweaver… ?

Except MA is only proccing some of the time, where as RoH is being cast more regularly and as part of the cast cycle along with Seal and WoP. Besides, RoH’s cooldown is close to Blizzards so it works better than you’d think.

You’re also assuming I’m co-ordinated enough to throw Seals down in the right place and go between them. I assure you, I am not. But even if I were there are times in SR where you absolutely need to run due to ground effects even with 22/12 on Seal or you will die. Even on builds with more sheet dps and adcth.

Anyhow, bindings are still a work in progress, will probably test out different ones eventually. As currently focused on my vitality FoI Apostate build and relearning how not to die in SR85-86 :upside_down_face:

Not helped by me fumbling Seal placement either.

Edit - oh yeah, the 1 missing point in DM was intentional, since I used that point for Steel Resolve, but checking the calc it seems that one point in DM will give more damage. So guess I’ll move it.

I believe Inquisitor is the best mastery for ranged cadence, due to chilling round and cadence interraction. In melee, nightblade it is

take 1 point out of deadly aim instead? or from RoH chill surge

*deadly aim scales horribly at 1/1

you’re overestimating what i mean, and my coordination :smile:
you just plop down seals wherever/with space between them, it doesn’t have to be any specific spots or optimized geometry, it’s just so you always have some where to move to or rather a target area to move to where seal will then steal cover you, since they last a while.

first seal at A, boss/enemies swarm A, you move to B; B becomes a gtfo location, move to C, when C becomes too hot you move back to A
ABC being where you feel like or happen to plop seal down
and if slow dps like me you then just try to refresh the seals on rotation in those spots, but if the spots happent to move/change that’s still fine, it’s more about the seals always being there/somewhere so ground is covered and you have places to move to

Looks like a lot of your cadence builds need more support :thinking:

Ranged cadence in general still needs some spice, not limited to cold

Lightning Cadence though is pretty good now, only slightly hamstrung by the lack of accessories that provide lightning %RR procs.

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