Ranged/Pistol Cadence Thread

Hi, melee cadence getting some big love on itemization this patch, and even a buff to the cadence cycle time. Guns/pistols are getting the small buff to cadence skill damage, and…nothing else. Tbf no one has made a peep about them and the squeaky wheel, etc.

Starting this thread to track mostly pistol, but I spose all ranged cadence. Historically it’s been a 3rd in pistol pew pew skills, with RF and Fire strike beating it pretty handily, and savagery coming in last unless you have some 1 in a million yellow pistols crafted.


Test 1! Exonerator Tactician, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Went through some quick gear testing, plunderer > combustion due to volley cadence proccing, shadow queen was coming out ahead of pyro and only taking chilling rounds in Inquis WPS tree

Results: 1:07 for quad dummy reset, 6:45 on SR75-76 run

Aside from the usual ranged issue, (even with passthrough everything likes to stand in an arc around you so you need to constantly reposition and I hate fabius for this as he will never stand still), damage is lacking. Tooltip goes up when pointing discord, which is probably not intended for single element damage but maybe it was!

Thoughts: skills on the guns are not helpful. +1 solider is great, the rest is junk. Storm spread on cadence is pretty bad, it’s a slow wps and shotgun type do not count as multiple projectiles for cadence proccing. Pistol savagery is incredibly niche and needs the yellow crafted pistols to not be awful. And I can’t imagine anyone using this for stun jacks when multiple easy to find MIs exist and actually give bonuses to it. The latter makes the total speed bonus not great, would rather see a bigger attack speed bonus as this is non-trivial to cap attack speed with current lightning/elemental ring and devo choices (you can, but overall efficiency is dropped so what’s the point). So attack speed, pierce to lightning, bigger cadence bonus, anything along those lines could help bring up damage to par.


Well, exonerator being massively reworked so will revisit this.

Working on deathdealer+havoc warlord now

Exonerator change now made it synergic with Pyroclasm medal for Commando, changing that medal wps to lightning would be even better buff.

Also I think Exonerator and Ludrigan might work for DOT Tactician, something I drafted months ago before 1.2

The change to permanent Wind Devil might even help Ludrigan Vindicator with this gun too