Ranged + poison weapons

Trash or there are actual builds that use them?

Haven’t seen any acid/poison ranged build on the forum so far (though i might have missed them). Either way, there are few acid based ranged legendaries and those that exist are lackluster. The most useful one for a ranged build would be myth Quillthrower of Dreeg, supporting a Witch Hunter with acid damage ranged ABB. Other than that, a Deceiver dual wielding Ugdenbog venom launchers, with 90% elemental to acid conversion, with Beronath’s fury as an autoattack replacer may work to some extent.

The Oathkeeper’s autoattack transmuter may open some possibilities for ranged acid builds, but you would still need to convert physical/elemental damage on WPS skills to acid in order for it to be effective. We’ll have to see if FG brings us some more ranged acid/poison support.

The only ranged weapon that I have enjoyed using is the MI = Ugdenbog Venom Launcher that can be used for various DW ranged builds.

An example would be something like this: DW Pyro ranged acid 2x UBVL For the example, I’ve thrown in plenty of devotion procs and active skils, which could make things too busy for some.

It’s not that hard to find these and any elemental prefix will work (albeit at 90% efficiency).

You could maybe try a pair of these with a Deceiver and full Radagan"s set + Shard of Beronath for an attack replacer. The set has some good properties, but I’m not sure if it works too well as pure AA. Some other stuff like RoH and SoC should augment the play quite well, though.

Edit: I always forget about cunning and spirit requirements (which I have now adjusted), so the above example would likely be safer with this chestguard in order to not lose too much DA: The above example with Chestguard of Justice.

Go www.grimtools.com/calc, click on the weapon slot, select “One-Handed” or “Two-Handed Ranged” and type “poison”. By selecting “Legendary,” “Epic,” etc. you’ll see all weapons in that category.

Afaik Ugdenbog Venom Launcher is the only semi-decent one.

Actually, I’m making this build now, lol. Will post soon

Witch Hunter with this https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/8727 ?

Yeah, but no WPS…

But you have much shorter cooldown on ABB that kinda makes up for it? (1 second)

0.7sec with venomblade helm.
Haven’t test it how good is that, but I doubt it can compete with full vileblade set. But if it’s Dervish… Hmmmm

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vileblade is for dual wielding melee? I thought we talked about ranged weapons and poison/acid dmg builds

Yeah, and I was talking about comparing that acid ranged ABB build (bilelauncher + 2 piece of vileblade) vs full DW vileblade set.
IDK, need to test to be sure.

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True but you’d have to wear something with that hypothetical 2h ranged witch hunter. Radaggan makes no sense, neither does Dreeg set, so I guess it would have to be partial Vileblade (also boosts ABB). I think it would be an interesting build.

Poison/Acid is a bit in the state of Chaos. It has good abilities and good devotion possibilities but not enough item choices: sets are clunky and too focused, on DEE for instance. Acid conversion green items are in weird slots, or have drawbacks.

I still don’t get why they haven’t fixed Ugdenbog Venom Launcher. It makes no sense that it only converts 45% of elemental damage.
For starters you are forced to use Occultist to make use of it, essentially nixing many builds that can make use of it.

Secondly you have items that grant 100% conversion to multiple damage types like Beronath reforge and Blood Orb of Chthon.
And thirdly it’s an M.I. so you need to get specific affix rolls to make good use of it.
Hell it’s even weaker then the 45% conversion found on items like Chillflame Evoker, since those can roll over 50% thanks to how stats roll.

Am I to believe that converting 100% of elemental damage to acid/poison with 2 items is some how fucking brokenly overpowered but converting 100% of 4 damage types with 1 items that don’t class lock you isnt

You can do a couple of scuffed things with Occultist if you ditch Nightblade entirely.

Venomblade Cowl for up to 36% https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/9163

Putrid Necklace for 45% https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/7824

for roughly 80% conversion (the reason I say scuffed)

Then as option 1 you go Inquisitor

Throw on both guns from the Dagallon set https://www.grimtools.com/db/itemsets/121

Slap a Shard of Beronath on one of them https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/2888

And now you have wps on an auto attack replacer that pierces through enemies while mostly doing acid damage

Or as option 2 you go Shaman

You equip a Venomlance for the pure acid damage on the weapon https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/8755

And go Primal Strike happy with the same 80% conversion above.

Beyond that there is another scuffed option for Occultist

Toss on a Conduit of Eldritch Whispers with 100% Aether to Acid on it https://www.grimtools.com/db/prefixes/11261

And then pair with a Vortex of Souls for piercing aether to acid shots https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/9405

Round out by going either Shaman again for classic piercing Primal Strike or chose Necro for some WPS

None of which I would really recommend since you could probably do the same things in other elements better, but with the way my mind works I would look in these directions before trying a Nightblade with ABB build.

You equip a Venomlance

So sad that this has +2 nightblade and not occultist instead (but at least it’s not +2 inquisitor!).

Agreed. Top-tier acid is but one-build (Venomblade) and ranged acid on the ranking list is somewhere between retaliation and hybrid pets. But UVL is still the best choice for acid deceiver. BTW check out the build I made today. It’s semi-decent but only with impossible affixes. Still can’t hold a candle to any purifier.

But I believe oathkeeper will change a thing or two…

It’s nice but yeah, those affixes. Radagan’s set does indeed contain a lot of goodness - not to mention that it is basically a caster armor with bare minimum spirit requirement! It’s also a shame the MI Gulgazar’s Heart is not a medal as more MIs are always fun (however this MI still needs improvements).

But…it’s another inquisitor with typical damage % support, wps, and aura of cheese…and I’m kind of negative on inquis atm. (sorry, can’t help myself)

Overall, a very nice attempt.


I wonder how this particular itemization would compare as a Purifier? FS would see some conversion from UVL and have the powerful brimstone interaction. You lose some acid RR (32%) and some flat, but gain ~ equivalent flat in FS (base, static) and open up a component slot on a pistol. Probably way too short on skill points, though.

Possible Build

Not sure how it would hold up defensively though.