It’s time to hire a ranger. With the deforestation of all forest areas, it looks like in Brazil. Why you don’t have a forester could also be that the programmers are overwhelmed. Anyway, I’m very angry about such a lack.
Switching to work camps will help as they cut only fully matured trees (default setting)
If you harvest manually trees you cut all the saplings too and so regrowth is cut down too.
A camp yield me around 100 logs a year without trying to find the optimal spot for it.
As long as I don’t plan massive expansions of my town the camps will feed my industries with wood
If you harvest by hand try to select different spots around your city so the trees have a chance to mature.
Already in the plan.
Also if you use the workcamp try to only use 2 workers per camp so the forrest has a better chance to regrow in time and will eventually never deplete and you don’t have to move the working area.
Did I miss reading that there are regrowing trees? When I “harvest” trees manually, I also remove the seedlings… I think that’s what you meant. So, by level 2 you’ve already used 700 logs. That goes for soap, baskets, carts, etc.
My dear, it doesn’t work that way. You can’t get through without a forester, sorry…
Furthermore, where do you enter the area for compost, field, fruit trees and
cow attitude? The place is gone for trees and you move further and further away from the city. So there is still a lot missing and it costs brains :-). But you have time to fix this with early access.
this is so nice, tired of planting 400 trees one by one all the time.
you might actually have missed that. trees are regrowing!
from the patchnotes 0.7.5:
A forester plants anything or you choose a territory. Since when do you have to plant trees by hand?
not sure if I understand you correctly but there are no foresters in the game… at least not yet.
If you mean the work camp: no they don’t plant trees… they only cut trees. the trees regrow themselves.
I overlooked patch notes 0.7.5… sory to all. I’ve come a long way and I’ll start again. I’m very curious how the work camps work.
Not very well it seems for me.