So I decided to try my hand at theorycrafting for the first time. RE is one of my favorite skills in the game and I’ve always wondered if it’s worth it to fully convert the aether dmg from Foul Eruption to vitality. Also it’s a shame that nobody* seems to use FE, because the dmg reduction only procs when RE actually kills. I suspect that the damage on FE is not added to the RE projectiles, but I’m hoping for RE to hit hard enough to proc FE consistently. I started out with Dark One’s set, but unfortunately had to drop two pieces to get to 100 % aether to vit.
I’m pretty happy with it. DA (and OA?) seems a bit low. Some of the resists are also not as highly overcapped as I would like. That could be alleviated somewhat by farming a good bonespike and crest. I actually had skill points left over after getting everything I wanted, so there is some flexibility I guess. The devotions and bindings are my best guess, I’m really unsure with devo paths.
I’ll test this out in couple of days, when I’ve got more time to play. Please don’t hesitate with criticism and advice! Thanks for reading!
*I just stumbled onto Superfluffs RE Oppressor. Maybe my idea has merit.
Unfortunately, Foul Eruption is not very efficient due to its mechanics so usually only point is spent there. Aether to Vitality conversions is quite efficient on Vitality builds however as you can fully convert Rattosh’s proc (pretty decent damage) and Skeletons from Revenant (small damage boost but still). I recommend getting a full Dark One set (easy to farm) and getting your DA to at least 2750-2900 level for more comfortable and safe gameplay.
I wanted to go 100 % aether conversion, should have mentioned that. Will edit the post. I started out with full Dark One’s, but unfortunately you can’t get full aether to vit conversion with it. Using Dreadwalker Carver would at least free up the helm or shoulders, but losing the bonespike is not an option for RE (except myabe for Pandemic).
I forgot about aether dmg on Rattosh and Revenant, thanks for pointing that out. Do you think Aetherfire is worth it, when converted? Venomfire also converts some a part of the fire dmg to vit.
Worth it only as some kind of minor damage support proc but only if you can convert it and proc it efficiently and if taking it in does not mess up/weaken your devotion map.
The benefits of full Dark One greatly exceed the benefits of having full Aether to Vitality support. Both for damage and survivability.
Yeah I figured as much, but wanted to stay in the “meme” of full conversion since I hadn’t seen it before. No one is waiting for me to post another Dark One’s RE Cabalist.