Really though... Why this game has such a crappy soundtrack???

Or should I say… lack of awesome tracks at all? Since a lot of areas lacks any music at all. :frowning:

Not to mention that the same tracks that you listen through the game will loop from the moment you set your foot outside of Devil’s Crossing, until you hit the Tomb of Loghorrean… which is annoying as hell, to be quite frank…

The only decent music that this game has is the Devil’s Crossing theme, and that’s it… the rest feels bland and uninsteresting… this is the first game that I can’t turn the music on because they’re just horrible! I get that the game’s setting is that of ruined world, but really… not even the Far Cry series, which have a similar setting, have such badly composed tracks like this game inb4 “DIS GAEM HAZ LOW BUDGET!” excuse.

Why can’t Grim Dawn have awesome tracks like these, or even dungeon musics to begin with?

Seriously, this is one of the trully bad aspects of this game.

Because Forgotten, No Man’s Land, Keep Moving, Rock of Mages, and the Homestead theme ate up all the budget of awesome for the soundtrack.

It’s funny you say this, as I think the (admittedly sparse) tracks in the game are really great. They don’t overshadow the setting, they aren’t needlessly loud and “epic” for the sake of being so. Rather, they took the subtle and less direct approach, or ambient-feeling, if you will. It is there to enhance the experience and add to the setting. I feel like they did a very nice job of doing exactly that.

That said, if those clips you mentioned are more to your liking, why not just listen to those while you are playing the game?

I feel like the music in Grim dawn did a respectful nod to Matt Uelmen from Diablo 2 in their style. I personally like it very much. I’d say the only downside for me is that there need to be more variety in the the tracks.

While I think that you’re being a bit unfair in calling these tracks “crap”, I do agree that the game could use more variety in music, especially on dungeons, and that Kamil Orman Janowski did an amazing job with PoE’s soundtrack.

EDIT: My favorite track on PoE right now.

That first link is 170 minutes long and it starts with some sorry ass percussion and a weird duduk/cor anglais synth wandering aimlessly up and down a scale. So, it gets the job done? I don’t know what it is that people expect from music. Make it musical, it overshadows the content, make it ambient, now it is indifferent.:undecided:

Just have the music you like in the background and enjoy the game. A music for all tastes and circumstances has not been invented yet.

I’m not gonna list every single track of the game here, lol… you can check one by one by clicking on the time shown on the description. And if you consider those tracks you heard as bad, then you have shitty taste in music lol.

Just have the music you like in the background and enjoy the game. A music for all tastes and circumstances has not been invented yet.

That is not the point of my post. I merely showed these musics as an example of how good they are compared to the ones on GD. I want GD to have more badass tracks, and not just having the same dull ones playing everywhere I go.

Anyways, I’m not trying to sound like a poe fanboy, as I’m only listing poe’s soundtrack as an example of awesome tracks. I could list tracks from TQ or any other game as well for comparision.

Right. I am saying that this intro is a waste of bars to me, when I’m listening to it as is. If I had played the game and listened to that in-game, I wouldn’t mind one bit. Kind of how it happens with the Devil’s Crossing theme, or any soundtrack? I’ve listened to some other tracks of PoE on other occassions, and it’s what you’d expect from any soundtrack to be honest. Easy listening music that allows one to recall memories they’ve tied to those pieces. Now, if someone said they didn’t find one bit of interest in 2 hours of music, that wouldn’t be shitty taste, that would be elitism. But being an elitist regarding video game soundtracks is half-assing it, you must always comment on heavy shit like the dryiness of the Concertgebouw’s string section’s spiccatos or uninspired performances just to be safe.

That is not the point of my post. I merely showed these musics as an example of how good they are compared to the ones on GD. I want GD to have more badass tracks, and not just having the same dull ones playing everywhere I go.

Anyways, I’m not trying to sound like a poe fanboy, as I’m only listing poe’s soundtrack as an example of awesome tracks. I could list tracks from TQ or any other game as well for comparision.

Badass. What’s badass? To whom? You? Me? An artistic direction has been decided, there is a continuity from track to track, you just don’t like it. It’s unfortunate, but it can happen. If I had to criticize the soundtrack I’d say that it’s too honest and original. Many of the catchy tricks and cliches are absent, and the choice of instrumentation is unconventional, i.e. different from the norm. How this is good or bad is up for discussion, personally I don’t care about this stuff. A man gets a comission, they compose according to the client’s preferences and their own style and that’s all.

While I would like to see more tracks added to GD, I don’t think what there is, isn’t bad at all, some of the music the DC track and a few others, are just plain awesome.

Then again, people have different tastes in music, So it’s always going to be hard to try and cater for everyone. Also the world is suppose to be on the brink of destruction, so the mood of the tracks seem to be fine.

I’m not sure how long it really takes to make up such music, I give full credit to the people involved, but also, GD does have a tiny budget, a lot of money is spent on employing people full and part time. I think getting more content into the game seems to be the most focused at the moment. Songs seem to be a bit on the backburner, or this seems to be the case to me.

But some more songs / tracks would help a lot, but to me, it’s not really needed as much as gameplay content.

Music is just fine. You always have the option of tuning it down and picking other kind of music if you don’t like it. It is not crappy because you don’t like it.

I like the soundtracks, sure, there are some better tracks and lesser tracks, but music is all about personal tastes and you can just turn it off if you don’t like it.

I just wish all the tracks from the OST download were implemented in the game. 04-Into the mines is one of my personal favorites, but it did not land in the release. An opposite of the boss themes/homestead theme/farmlands-gruesome harvest themes which are in the game but not in the downloadable OST :eek:

The game has plenty of good music if you listen to it on its own (and I regularly do). Unfortunately I do find most of it doesn’t come out while playing the game very strongly; as in the music gets lost behind the awesome ambiance of the game itself.

Really? I’ll have to dig those up to add to the OST… sigh why the disconnect, I wonder?

Boss themes were added after the OST download became available… could probably be updated, I agree. Also, not sure on Farmlands/Gruesome Harvest themes but Homestead’s is definitely in there. Not sure on theme names as I haven’t played them outside of the game in a while (with the amount I’ve been playing I haven’t had to :D) but I believe it’s called “Story Told” or something along the lines of that, i.e. referring to the end of something. :wink:

Well, that’s just like your opinion man :wink: I like the soundtrack very much, all of it, but especially the homestead theme is very catchy and I love it! Can’t get it out of my head for some time after visiting homestead with a character.

I REALLY love the soundtrack to this game…

It’s like The Black Keys and Pink Floyd had a baby.

Perhaps you just have poor taste in music? Perhaps you prefer Dub Step or techno? lol

I also really like the soundtrack, and it’s one of the things I first noticed and liked about the game. It doesn’t dominate, it sets the mood. There are some great motifs/melodies, and it doesn’t get monotonous over time as some games do.

Personally, I think they did a great job.

They did a little too great job actually, all too often I can’t teleport out to empty my inventory because I don’t want to leave until the currently playing music track ends. No really, I really do sometimes just stand there listening to the music refusing to leave until the track ends.

Though the dungeons really could do with some actual music, the backround ambient alone is boring compared to areas with actual music.

What I consider bad is you as a person :cool:

Some of the music is great, some is whatever, and I do think it could use some more tracks. Overall though I very much enjoy the more ambient approach taken and some of the songs are fuckin sweet

Also I am pretty sure tiny budget is a pretty damn good excuse when it comes to something like this lol

Music is totally utterly subjective. I’ve gotten quite a few people to buy this game and one of the most appreciated things they like about it is, in fact, the amazing sound track.

Not saying Teddy Boar is a bad person because having horrible taste in music doesn’t make someone a bad person. He may well be, but we need more info :slight_smile:

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