Reap Spirit damage

I used both Reap Spirit and Bone Harvest in my latest aether Death Knight build with full vitality to aether conversion. With conduit for aether BH damage of BH and RS are similar with having them at 21/16 both. RS being slightly higher in my build. You need to spend 16 points on both or 18 for BH with the transmuter and 1 point in Dread. I don’t count Soul Harvest beacuse it is a general buff. So they are similar in damage and cost yet BH has large AoE and RS is just single target. RS should either get more damage or have 1.5-2 m area effect (which I would prefer).

BH damage with Soul Harvest

RS damage with Soul Harvest

“not saying it shouldnt’ get more dmg” - it would help stuff like chaos reap spirit etc, make RS worth on clairvoyant mebe

but i’m confused, Reap Spirite does have more dmg than BH, by quite a lot even?

But the transmuter on BH has total damage modified by 20 %…

ye but that only applies to a 2h tho? so kinda hard to value in
but even doing so, the flats only increase by 200, so still way less/1100less than RS min flats, but WD does go to 432%
*i think most of your dmg difference there is from conduit then?
or rather, i dont’ think +32% wd will amount to the same as 1100 base flat and 1k/sec dot ?

Well in my case with aether 2h they are practically the same. Except the AoE…

Conduit gives 300 flat thats just evens out the WD diference…

yeye i get that, but lots of that is coming from a specific BH modifier, on conduit, that then scews it
how many RS mods do you have adding dmg?

None. They are not available much for 2h… They are on caster items.

it’s probably making the difference there, and the fact you’re not technically benefitting from the dot on conversion anymore

again i actually agree because i feel even dedicated reap spirit gets left out on ex Clairvoyant binder, because dmg just not worth interrupting aar as i understood, and that’s not even a meme :sweat_smile:
i suppose it’s going to be harder to tell with potential FoA upcoming changes/allowing reap spirit to be player scaled etc
but i dont’ think the base dmg at a glance atleast seems unfair/disproportionally lower, - even if it might still benefit from some 'splosion or such :yum:

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Definitely not worth it on AAR. I have such binder that climbed to SR 95 and RS would be a waste.

Cold conversion of Soul Harvest on BH could also do some difference.

And also factor in the 0.5 s difference in cooldown and energy cost… Makes RS worse…

RS gives you a pet though?

I know it isn’t what you focus on when trying to do damage, but still…

entirely different scaling, so it’s basically one way or the other, not halfsies
*reap spirit is a true pet so it doesnt’ scale on player bonuses, and player dmg builds get about near 0 pet bonuses, so not much benefit there.
Usually the game/“skills” isn’t really designed/balanced for hybrid play in mind i think?, so even if pet builds do get some casual 1000-1500% player dmg, i wouldn’t really expect the RS direct dmg stats to be scaled with that in mind.
It’s also not really a bad player attack, it’s just that you usually centre build it if your use it, because otherwise the single target dmg just isnt’ worth compared to other attacks, like aoe/BH with aoe, or to interrupt another skill like Clairvoyant binder(and RS gets massively boosted on Clairvoyant set along with AAR)
idono, would probably have to go through Roman’s notes to get the true dissection of RS efficiency on clairvoyant binder if maining AAR, but as i recall even he didn’t find it worth other than ex leech assist. And a lesser efficient approach like myself i basically 1pt it for devo trigger or nothing at all because it doesnt’ “feel” good to me to dig deeper in or interrupt AAR for
technical/mechanical efficiency vs subjective sentiment, unsure if it actually loses on the first/both, but seems like it atleast loses on the second for some around here :sweat_smile:

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