Reasonably powerful builds

Yeah, that one. You have another setup to share?
About vitality: I have adapted Vitality decay cabalist by THT and it survives pretty well in 150-170. Not that much DA, but it leeches life like no other build, plus it’s a kiting caster. I’m pretty sure if you manage to achieve 4,5k+ DA on your build it might become a reliable 170 farmer.

5 stalwart of readiness seems too boring to me >_> I d rather keep her at 150 level with decent dmg output.

I tried it once with around 3.6 or 3.8k DA. Basically the build in the video but green pants, boots, shoulder and medal to get the DA. Maybe some devo changes, can’t exactly remember. Just woke up. 2 tries, one got to 165 and 1 got to 169 so I say it has potential but I agree it’s so hard to reach 4k DA with prm because invoker is so important.

How about good old HP tank ? :uuu:
Nope, still not enough sustain to deal with 2 Reaper+Chuppa+random crap on nasty mutators on wave 170 >> 35K hp dosent help much against shotguning reaper summons>>
But, well, that explain why there is no Ritualists in the list :smiley: No bracker, no dmg absorbtion, no shield and OA/DA tied to savagery screw shaman mastery pretty hard <_< Spells aren’t stellar either.

Surrender your will to DA!
I just butchered Reaper+Kuba+Iron Maiden+Fabius on wave 170 with my DW cold infiltrator facetanking them all 90% of the time.
Not that much DA, only 4200, plus inquisitor seal plus Aura of Censure debuff.
12 min clear with a dw build feeling very safe, that’s DA magic for ya.
Will post it soon.

Surrender your will to DA!

Nope, she will work with no more that 1 Stalwart of drangoul. And with Hungering void! No DA cheese, no easy way for us =)
But 2 Rapist+ chuppa on 170 is retarded >> Anything else and I’m fine, but these guys are unfair >>



hello everybody, i just bought grim dawn + expansion and before i start playing i want to ask to you guys if you have any reccomendation for me.
there are a lot of builds here, i’m looking for a beginner friendly build to start with, can you help me to choose one or two? thanks!

Welcome to the forum and to the game. Here are a couple of beginner builds:

And this thread has a couple of different ones as well.

Best way to start is to use Soldier mastery. Take 2-hand weapon and Forcewave skill in Soldier mastery with a transmuter that allows to spam forcewave.
Second mastery should be either inquisitor or occultist.
Here is a guide to this kind of build:

This thread is about reasonably powerful builds. It’s not about DAmeta, whether Crucible is broken or not, etc. Final warning: please take these discussions to the other linked thread and provide constructive input rather than sniping at each other.

Oh shit, just realised you added our Tacticians, Zhug!

Thanks, I hoped you enjoyed playing them.

You’re welcome.
Yes, I definitely had fun playing them. And the fun won’t last long I guess.
Considering what the game designer said about the upcoming nerfs I’m even more than before afraid that all these various builds will be totally ruined and we will fall into the stone age: right to our beloved shielded tanks and mirror kiting casters.
I do not believe they will tone down nemesis in the right way as the designer said they do not want nemesis in crucible to be different from the ones in campaign (apart from health).
It’s too early to be upset, I guess, but my expectations are most grim.
After all, when they implemented new waves they made testing and found them fair, which is total BS.

Nobody said they are fair, they are a challenge and not meant to be farmable „facetanking 90% of the time“. Sure, they need to be toned down a bit, but that‘s all.

You already have builds in your list that can do crucible with ~3.5K DA (some in your list are not updated, but you have so many in total:) ). With the nerf to crucible not just to OA but to other debuffs from enemies and other tweaks they will do builds won’t die. In fact I think some casters will be able to replace stuff like untouchable with smth more productive, just an example. We can also give feedback on 0.6 changes if something does not feel right. It’s an important change so some things might not be 100% ok from the start. We’ll see

You already have builds in your list that can do crucible with ~3.5K DA (some in your list are not updated, but you have so many in total ). With the nerf to crucible not just to OA but to other debuffs from enemies and other tweaks they will do builds won’t die. In fact I think some casters will be able to replace stuff like untouchable with smth more productive, just an example. We can also give feedback on 0.6 changes if something does not feel right. It’s an important change so some things might not be 100% ok from the start. We’ll see

With hardcapped 66 CTH any nerfs to OA are pointless . I forsee these shields. :smiley: And formidable instead of stonehide for boots.

Yeah that really needs testing.

At 66CTH would OA shred even matter any more. Some builds can naturally do 500 OA shred. I hope the shield thing won’t happen. he effect should be the opposite. Stop seeing casters with shields and stuff like that

Formidable boots can have 9% rolls too in spite of grim tools. All formidable in fact can be 5%:slight_smile:

I can see arcanist casters w/o shieds. But every other caster class will use these 3 exact items with these prefixes on HC. There is no other way unless phyz dmg is toned down .

I’ve already been using formidable affix. Without shield you can have 20% with other gear(chest usually has) and devotions. Classes like occult get 30+ easy.

I messed around with occult and Log shoulders and got 60% phys res without shield (sandstorm off-hand). Wasn’t that awesome tbh, but i didn’t stack DA on the other hand

Don’t forget about phyz res defubbs. 60 goes down to 45% with a single bone prison. Add to this the damn plant and you are as good as naked >_>
For classes with %phyz res in mastery this setup would work even better, as you can reach 80% phyz cap and forget about phyz dmg. lol, so healty, so diverse :smiley: