Rebuild Burrwitch

Maybe not in Grim Dawn, but a post-apocalyptic Sims game sounds interesting

I agree - there definitely needs to be more physical changes to locations. It’s a really nice addition to the game that is underused!

Rebuilding Burrwitch would be nice since it would add more to the restoration things. However with DC’s current state, it would be extremely hard because the town is still infested with aethereials. Not to mention the places surrounding Burrwitch also having a lot of the monstrosities.

So instead of trying to reclaim Burrwitch right now, maybe they could expand to the Old Groove. It is just south of DC and maybe they could use it to build a farm or take more materials. Only problem would probably be if the place is infested with Sliths.

Bumping this cause i love this idea too much.

I love killing big monsters but nothing beats repairing bridges and settlements for me

I really love the idea of this too!

It wouldn’t have to be too much but could act as a small fort or foothold to the areas north of DC. There aren’t any at the moment so i could see it as much like how the rovers are structured in act 2.

Obviously centred closely around the portal with barricades, barbed wire, sand bags and point things forming a wall on the roads between the houses but not blocking the road off. Perhaps even a gate could be added to the east and south entrances with better stationing by the gate for some NPCs to snipe aetherials or whatever wildlife steps too closely - similar to the stationed NPCs in homestead on the north entrance to go to Sorrow’s Bastion.

Once established there could be bounties to defend X number of waves of aetherials from the north, or trolls invading for food from the east.

Full of potential but i love the idea of these little footholds of humanity standing strong and trying to take back their home.

If this was a standalone DLC i would buy it, call it Burrwitch Reborn or something!

As I said before, there is no need to stop on Burrwitch only, However, after reading through the thread, I realized, that there are far too many ideas, which simply wouldn’t be implemented considering Crate’s budget.
So instead of proposing something entirely unrealistic, I suggest using the system that is already in-game.

For example, when we were rebuilding water supply in DC, we were using Scraps. Or when we were gathering Fabric to make roof. Then, in Homestead, we completed a certain quest line to rebuild the kitchen and cannons.

So my suggestion regarding this is… why no try and combine this features in a specific quest line, where along with various tasks you use Scrap and Fabric to rebuild something? For example, Bourbon gives you a quest to reclaim Burrwitch. Waht do you do? You go there, wipe out Aetherials, and after a number of them are defeated, the quest will be complete. Then people can move to Burrwitch, and this will be a start. You go around, ask people what they want. You use Scrap and Fabric to rebuild town and repair buildings. Maybe some of them will give you a task to kill something, which will contribute to rebuilding some more.

This system is very basic, however, it uses and incorporates assets which are already used in-game, thus making this possible with limited time and budget. Not only this will boost popularity and attract new people, it will also attain much more replayability.

Things like invasions and such CAN BE possible, but I see it as a quite big constraint on Crate’s budget and time, considering how small the studio is.

This is what i was talking about in the first place. The systems are there, they are just underused