Rebuild Burrwitch

After you kill Krieg, Captain Bourbon says something about wanting to rebuild Burrwitch.
I think that could be made into an awesome optional questline.
Like finding random refugees in the world and bring them there, repair and upgrade buildings with scrap and fabric, use dynamite to demolish ruins,etc.
Maybe a rebuilt pharmacy could generate potions, a smithy armor components, a lab throwable elemental bombs and so on

Yes Please!! +1 for this

I enjoyed Homestead repairs. Imho, this Burwitch quest would be an awesome addition

One of the best parts of GD was that as you progressed in the game and collected materials you got the option to rebuild and repair your settlement. And that we could rescue survivors
This is sorely lacking after killing Karroz.

i really love the idea too :slight_smile:

ofc if it happens it won’t be before the expansion but that would be a very nice feature

-Oh no, of course not. I want it to be an expansion quest for Devil’s Crossing faction.

-Reclaiming Burwitch would be nice.

-Imo we can reclaim Burwitch but leave out the Estates area since Warden’s Mansion is there.

-Burwitch Village itself doesn’t have any major bosses and hence we should get a rebuilding quest when we reclaim it

Idk about Burrwitch, if I were Bourbon I would had repaired DC & Lower Crossing First, since DC is already the center of refugees. What’s so great about Burrwitch anyway? While Homestead is obviously very significant, Burrwitch is just a slith hole.

Btw, always wondered how DC doesn’t care about making their life slightly more pleasant after certain point. All of their bounties are just go kill this or that, while imo it should had been go there scavenge this.

Bounties that would follow up on that fabric quest would have been an amazing idea it. Those kind of bounties could be done a maximum amount of time and each time could add something to Devil Crossing and make it that we rebuild it more and more. They could add 3-4 quest with 3-4 step each that each add a little something. On Steam they place some importance on that fact that you rebuild some place but honestly it is still pretty limited.

Yes, more building in general would be nice. I would also like to improve the camp where you get the Blacksmith and New Harbor

Reclaim Farming lands and put crops, and build defensive towers and fortifications to prevent further invasions.

Could be a quest where you have to defend the village using your new fortifications.

a BurrwitchVille DLC? I would totally worship that! and will probably be a blockbuster hit too! :rolleyes:

I love the repair/build and upgrade in Grim Dawn, the more the better. :slight_smile:

Will it have aether-infused cats that’ll bring me groble, slith and draghoul “trophies”? If yes then shut up and take my money :smiley:

I’ve thought about something similar to this, but with Devil’s Crossing. You know when you rebuild the bridge or finish the fabric quest? Why not have those but with options, so you can customize the town. One node would have a set of options like: blacksmith, mystic, alchemist, or even faction merchants. I’m 110% for this idea! It could really make use of a underutilized system and make it fun.

I absolutely agree.
Building bases\strongholds is somewhat a fetish of mine in videogames. I was eсstatic when I found out about Crossing and Homestead repairs. Unfortunately, this feature was never truly implemented. So here are some ideas:

  • How about making Devil’s Crossing a fortified avanpost of Black Legion and volunteers, protecting Lower Crossing and Burrwitch from the south? We can use an upgrade system with resourses including iron, fabric, maybe even some new ones. Employ cannons, build walls, hire more people, train them.
  • How about not only rebuilding Lower Crossing and Burrwitch, but also use some kind of patrol shifts, defending them from aetherial horde from time to time. Maybe implementing some events, like invasions? You basically become a lord of this land, protecting your citizens.
  • Same with Homestead. As mentioned above, we can dig up more farms, put some crops. We can use a system, where more food = better production or the better the settlement, the better goes further construction and so on.

The possibilities are endless.

Reclaim fort Ikon.
Build a Tank garage, maybe research an airship and send them to Homestead and DC

I think this is a neat idea because like many others, all my characters have enough Scrap to coat the entire east side of the map in a layer of assorted metals.

Something which gives a sense of reviving the world would be very welcome. It is noticeable that once you move from DC nothing in the world changes.

For an expansion I would love to sense progression and feel that the actions I make really improve the world (even if they need to be constantly defended [stretch goal])

The idea is good. And some sort of tower defense-like DLC would be something to deepen.

then maybe we can rebuild the population. start taking a wife then have babies, change their diapers stuff like that :rolleyes:

I really hope the developers read this. Almost all of the ideas here could be made into an awesome second expansion