Reduction to Enemy Health - Good against high SR Trash?

So in theory, when you’re fighting against trash mobs with 10m hp, items and skills that deal Reduction to Enemy HP should be quite powerful, right?

Of course, there’s an argument that when fighting against bosses, they’re quite resistant to life reduction.

However, in high SR where they have 30m+ hp, it adds up quite a bit, right? Let’s say you created a build with 2x Demonslayer pistols, each with 7% life reduction, so a total of 14% on every attack.

You attack a 30m boss with 96% life reduction resistance. So your 14% reduction would normally be 4.2m per attack (lol), and with 96% of that resisted, the damage is reduced to 168k. This is still an extra 168k damage per attack that’s added after your usual weapon/crit damage.

And, with boss mobs in SR now laid out to be fought one on one, the harder challenge can be clearing through heavy hitting and high HP trash mobs on the way to the boss room.

Has anyone looked into using life reduction builds for the purpose of clearing high SR trash?

Items like this have caught my attention:

Well, just to counter a possible impression of indifference for this thread: I find it quite exciting - especially that weapon there (never noticed that huge amount). But sry: No experience there as well. Curious what will pop up here!

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