[Reference] Crate Source Server v1.2

The following informations may help everbody having trouble with the sourceserver.exe.

The SourceServer.exe is starting a server and a Trayicon to open the GUI showing small informations.
Keep in mind (i don’t know if its a bug or intended) that if you close the GUI the process is still running, so you have to kill it using the taskmanager.

The GUI can be opened by doubleclick on the Trayicon.
The GUI can be hidden by clicking on the minimize button.
The GUI will be closed and the Trayicon will vanish by clicking on the close button.

Three parameters can be passed (order dependend) to the SourceServer.exe, if a parameter is missing the default is used instead.
If not a number is given as port, it will fallback and use 0 as port.

Parameter 1: Path to the root directory. (default is a folder “Working” in the current directory)
Parameter 2: Port (default: 1337)
Parameter 3: Password (defaults to no password)

An Example for starting the SourceServer.exe with non default values:
"C:\Program Files\Grim Dawn\SourceServer.exe" "C:\Program Files\Grim Dawn" 1234 "admin123"
(if you run the server locally ports do not have to be opened and can be used as serveraddress e.g. in Asset Manager Login)

Opening the taskmanager everytime to quit the server let me write a litte batch script (please notice that you have to adjust the paths inside of the script before executing):

REM Fullpath to Crates Source Server v1.2:
SET APP_PATH=C:\Program Files\Grim Dawn\SourceServer.exe
REM Setting password to:
REM Setting root directory to:
SET ROOT_DIR=C:\Program Files\Grim Dawn
REM Opening port:
SET /A PORT=1337

REM Start the SourceServer process.
REM By closing the GUI the process is still running,
REM so ask the user to kill all processes with the same name.
ECHO Press Enter to quit the sourceserver.exe...
SET /P nothing=
REM Force the entire processstructure to quit.
TASKKILL /IM "SourceServer.exe" /T /F

SourceServerBatchScript.zip (927 Bytes)