[REL] Arachnophobia Mod

Based on a request to rid the world of Cairn of spiders, I just made them all really small.

As usual, do what you want with my source records included in the zip.

Install as you would another mod that actually tells you how to install it.

Bug reports welcome, I hardly tested this at all.

Attachment: arachnophobia.zip
Attachment: settings.zip
Attachment: Demapteran_01.jpg
Attachment: Demapteran_02_Queen.jpg
Attachment: WardensCellar_01.jpg

Thank you for making this mod Jiaco, very kind of you!

Hi sry to necro this thread, it is my first post (thanks for that awesome game tho! :slight_smile: ) i just bought the game a month ago with Malmouth extension, i would like to know if this mod is still viable for malmouth expansion ?
I am also an aracnophobic player (and some friends got the same phobia than me, they even don’t bother buy some games due to that), i endured 10 years of Hack&Slashes fighting this phobia and i didn’t even know this mod could exist, since people often tend to laugh about it and ignore it around me, and tend to tell you thats pixels, it’s a breath of fresh air to be honest :slight_smile: thanks a lot for it :).

Another question i couldn’t answer myself by my forum searches is, could it be possible to switch spiders for Boars or Snakes or anything else with a mod ? or is the tiny spider mod the only way to work around it ? If its a yes, i will definitely try to make one for myself for sure, just want to know if its possible. (Plus it could be funny to see Boars falling from the sky instead of scary spiders :stuck_out_tongue: )
Btw i have no real problems with spiders outside (with a reasoneable size ofc :D) problem is often the context, the noise, the webs everywhere, the scary moment they fall out, etc.
In a few words Does Ungoliax the gloomweaver or Warden quest will still request me to call a friend for help :smiley: ?

Sorry for the long and necropost, but it could save me a lot of time when i will make rerolls, that could allow me to do spider areas/quests with the mod and then back to the classic game at 100 when i will make some casual farming with friends.

extract that into your Grim Dawn directory, just like it is, so you end up with a Grim Dawn/settings/creatures/[…]

it will replace any spider using the mesh. I took the worms mesh for this, since I had to use a mesh with a similar skeleton, otherwise animations won’t work.

sounds are obviously not “fixed” yet, need to track them down, just let me know if this is still an issue when they are worms. Webs are still going to be there, same thing, if it’s still an issue without spiders being there, I can track down the mesh and replace it, too.

I tried it in the Ungoliax cave (in a mod as well as the main game) and it’s worms everywhere. There are other ways of dealing with it, but this way works globally, so any mod you play or if you wanna stick to the main game it’ll work.

Thanks for doing this.

Hi and sorry for the late post, but i had a taugh week at work i couldn’t play the whole week :/.

I tried the game after following your instructions, first of all, thank you very much for trying to work around this, it definitely will bring some of my friends in the game since i am not alone with this problem. Its very kind of you to take some time to understand and help with this, truely.
The problem is, first i am not a native speaker (my apologises for the bad english grammar) and that make such problem even more hard to describe for me, because i forgot to mention i have problems with anything that has six or more legs and move quickly in such context, i wish i haven’t, sincerely , i have no huge problems with Dermapterans outside their den, but if they fall from the sky like this in a cavern like ungoliax cavern i am sorry but it is not standable for me. But for one of my friend it was fine for him, i’d bet his phobia is less deep than mine probably.

What i’d really like to know is if it is really possible to remove them all as it was possible in other ARPG games (which i never played tbh, i always managed to get over it for 10years of gaming now), like really switch then for boars, vultures or something really ridiculous (Yéti or pumbaas, i love pumbaas! ) to get the thing out of my mind , i don’t want to be ungrateful i already really appreciate a lot that someone could answer and take interest in that.
Even with something near from a spider behaviour it will cause a problem, because unpurposally my mind will always find me an excuse to avoid these areas and call for a friend. The goal would be to completely forget it could be possible they spawn, the doubt is even worst sometimes . Thats why on a first step i just asked if it was possible, because i am completely not afraid at trying myself to work something around it, i don’t want to make someone loose some time if each time i have to say “sorry but 8 legs are a problem too” and later it’ll be something else :/.
A Boar/Yeti/Vulture is really different, or Manticore dunno, i shouldn’t have said i have no problems with spiders outside if they are small, because first there are always bosses, and second because i only do the quest the fastest way possible and never come back, which is annoying because sometimes i could farm some others areas, and i don’t because of their presence. So i wasn’t really accurate and honest about that, i never farm Rotting coplands of infested farms for fun for example, i do the quests, but i don’t come back.

Wikipedia already helped a lot too to avoid those scary moments, there is always a page opened with the creatures list.
By the way since it is not updated yet, i would like to know, as my friend told me, if act5 & 6 extension is really spiderless in any area ?

Thanks a lot for your time, i am still new to all of this mods etc, but it’s very interesting, i will definitely try mods when i will understand all the game mechanics :D. Have a good week end :).

If you want to do it yourself:
what I did is take the .msh and .anm files from the extracted game files and copy them to settings with the name of .msh and .anm to replace.
Use Viewer.exe to find what you are looking for.

Explanation for Animations and Meshes:
The Mesh needs to have a Skeleton/Rig/Armature in order to be animated, it consists of bones that are being moved with the animation. In order for an animation to work for a different mesh it needs to have the same bone names in the same order. Some of them have the same root bone, so animations work on some parts, like spawning the creature, because the root moves the entire mesh around. Probably good enough to have something show up even if it doesn’t move.
Since spiders have a different skeleton I needed to replace animation files as well. Or they would be statues (just looks weird and might cause other issues)

The file is to big now, so Google Drive it is:
Starts download: https://goo.gl/dqfVfS

extract into Grim Dawn, so you end up with a settings folder:
Grim Dawn/settings/level art/…
Grim Dawn/settings/creatures/…

Changed Meshes and Animations

  • Spider: changed to Boars
    [li]Demapteran: changed to Boars[/li][LIST]
  • Demapteran Queen (Phase 1): changed to a Yeti
  • Demapteran Queen (Phase 2): changed to a Yeti with horns

[li]Prawn: changed to Boars[/li][/LIST]

Changed LevelArt

  • Webs changed to a small pile of bones

Keep in mind sounds are unchanged

Hi , and thanks you again for your quick answer, i just took some minutes before going to work to test this with boars <3.

Just played a few minutes and went to rotting coplands / Burrwitch Outskirts and Mortom’s Claims and HOLLY FUCKING SHIT you are a lord ! Pumbaas everywhere (special mention to the demapteran one, he is so retarded when he dies, i love it)
Boars are everywhere hahaha ! you are a king, thanks a lot for the technical details too, with the amazing job you just made now for me the game is all good, really , so you might find it useless for the moment, but it doesn’t for me ; I like to learn and be able to do things myself so as not to have to constantly disturb the players, people, if I ever have a patch or a bug I will already have technical elements to correct and work on it alone, i am a little shy and its already a bit hard to talk about a phobia in a forum while in real life it is often something i tend to hide.

Thank you also for the respect you showed for this kind of problem, funny fact is in real life i once or twice dealt with big snakes or big lizard for friends of family, but spiders … Like i often say, Give me a Bear instead ! At least i can see the menace haha :slight_smile:

AAAAAAAAAA Thanks a lot ! I will spend the entire work day thinking about a reroll now ha ! Thats exactly what i was thinking about them when they fall from the sky , yes the sound is still here but i often listen music/radio/actuality while playing no its not a big deal If i hear a “SSSSSSSSSSSS” (fuck this noise really hahaha) with 3 boars falling from the sky lol, it is so damn ridiculous that it remove almost completely all those scary feelings(Harry Potter film wasn’t that wrong about this oO) . So it isn’t a problem, and if it is in the future, i got some clues to work around anymay now, i am a bit noob in those things, and forgive my arrogance but i learn quite well when i am motivated for these problems (ofc i can’t play otherwise haha) thats why i asked you some details, cause i like to understand what i do, just to be able to do it again in the future, so that it won’t be a problem anymore.

I have to admit the first time i didn’t go with confidence, because as a phobic person you are always worried about “did he think about these spiders spawn too ?” xD “i hope he did not forgot this part” etc etc,hahaha there is always some paranoia behid this, but after farming those spider areas ( i didn’t checked everything yet i’ll be late at work but i don’t care, since it can improve the next years of my GD gaming :smiley: ) The apprehension will slowly disappear, little by little .
I didn’t checked the Alien 3 area with the demapteran Queen too, neither Ungoliax but i will tonight, just to watch them as Yeti, and make a 5 minutes Moonwalk on their dead corpse since now i can.

What else i can say ? Again a big THANK YOU, i already shared this to 2 of my friends, one has a really severe phobia, worst than me, and you have no idea how happy and relieved they/we are now :D.

One last question would be about patches, even if i already got a part of the answer. Will i have to copy again the directory anytime Crate will release a new patch like the previous one ? Anyway if i have, i already have 3 copies of your work in 3 separate drives just to be safe hahaha. It makes sense if i will have to, but since yet i am not familiar with the game mechanics.

Okay i am definitely late for work now, but it doesn’t matter, thanks a lot sir for what you’ve done, for phobics like me, it is really really something huge, like you have no idea.


I’m glad it’s working out.
There is some kind of personal motivation behind it… I’m working on a game and thinking about either leaving spiders out of it or at least adding a setting to disable them. Since every ARPG has these things running around, it would probably be refreshing to not be scared of them at all since there is no such thing as a spider in that game :smiley:

I figured sounds wouldn’t be a huge deal, since they can be disabled in these areas. I found their files though, gonna make the sound changes eventually and update it.

Game Updates shouldn’t be changing anything, probably best to double check if the settings folder is still there though, but steam should leave these things alone unless you have to verify game files for some reason.
And as long as Crate doesn’t change how the settings folder works or adds new monster models, it’ll work.

There is some kind of personal motivation behind it… I’m working on a game and thinking about either leaving spiders out of it or at least adding a setting to disable them. Since every ARPG has these things running around, it would probably be refreshing to not be scared of them at all since there is no such thing as a spider in that game

Yep but i also understand some people who ask or expect to be scared by spiders or any kind of creature, we all have different expectations from a game and what we like to feel when we are playing, i personnaly hate it (o rly ? :slight_smile: ), but its shouldn’t be Ponyland too . By past i even has the habit to QQ in my mind about developpers thinking “damn its so easy to add spiders as an ennemy in a video game so please STOP and put something else !” xD but so are the skeletons/humans in red/Larvas or whatever to be honest.

Funny part is my phobia last since almost 20 years now, when i was 11 years old and discovered Zelda Ocarina Of time. First level : Giant Skultullas … The story with games and spiders started here for me, (I remember Twilight Princess too, oh god …).

I figured sounds wouldn’t be a huge deal, since they can be disabled in these areas. I found their files though, gonna make the sound changes eventually and update it.

Yep, you can disable sounds when you enter the area, and anyway a boar with a spider sound … No chance, even on me :).

Game Updates shouldn’t be changing anything, probably best to double check if the settings folder is still there though, but steam should leave these things alone unless you have to verify game files for some reason.

Don’t worry, as a phobic, you could even ensure it, that i am sure i will triple check it anyway hahaha. I don’t even know why i asked that, since i will verify it anyway xDDD.

And as long as Crate doesn’t change how the settings folder works or adds new monster models, it’ll work.

if anyone else is having an issue with the yeti (queen) phase 2 spawning:

I thought it was just me when I went in there with my mod testing char that I just killed both phases too quickly to even notice the second, but I guess phase two wasn’t spawning at all.

Anyways I removed the demapteranqueen animations and it is working now. Either download it again from the same link
Starts download: https://goo.gl/dqfVfS
but delete the old settings folder first, since the old anim files need to be removed to fix this.

or delete the folder yourself:
settings\ creatures\enemies\insects\anm\dermapteranqueen
not sure why, maybe the death animation from phase 1 was moving the model to a position where the second phase would not be visible. Luckily the skeleton from those 2 creatures are the same, so everything is working fine. If I had known they have the same skeleton I could have saved myself the time of copy/renaming the yeti animations in the first place :smiley:

Hi I am a player from Taiwan.
This is the first time I registered a foreign forum, just to praise thee my lord :smiley:
I am SOOOOOOOO glad that someone has turned those (ughhhhhhh) into boars, and see how tiny they are! I think boars are a good choice because they sound actually quite similar. :wink:

I just want to say thank you, thank you and thank you. You really saved me, after I’ve be frightened for 100 hours.

Bumping this because if it’s possible could you please update with scarabs? They are disgusting

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