[REL] Grim UI

Hey people,

I’ve used this mod before and it worked great - default/Grim Grim UI X-Mod, so it had the big screen and looked like this as in OP post: [REL] Grim UI

I’m trying to rescue my Grim Dawn file after a malware attack/quick exit/format earlier in the year, and I can see stash problems if I don’t install this first, but can not for the life of me make it work. I open grim dawn, try to start a custom game and see no map. I can get the basics themes to work but not the default/grim GRIM UI X-Mod. I have the full game.

I’ve tried various combos but I’m currently at this folder structure: is anything glaringly wrong?

C:\Users%username%\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\mods
Grim UI X-Mod

C:\Users%username%\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\mods\contains Grim UI X-Mod

Is anything glaringly wrong there? It’s probably easier to post the directory contents here if I can, I’ll attach a txt file.Grim Dawn Directory contents.txt (54.3 KB)
Apologies if it’s messy. I’ve tried so many different combinations.

Also, should I be using 2560’s contents to overwrite the files in the prior directories on those two occasions they exist? I do have a 2560x1440 screen so would like to do that. Again, tried so many combinations.

Any help appreciated. Thanks

Absolutely glaringly wrong. Mods do not get placed in My Documents location. You need to go to the games actual installation folder, for Steam or GoG, and place it the mods folder there instead.

Keep in mind that the Xmod is an actual mod, meaning you use Custom to play it - the directions for the other stuff however is for themes, which affect the base game. Themes go in the Documents location. If you are only intending on using Xmod you would ignore anything to do with the Documents location.

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This is my response to your post at Nexus. I’ll put it here as well, just in case.

Sorry you’re having such a hard time, man. From the looks of it, you’re trying to install the source files into the “mods” folder, which appears to be in the wrong location.

The source files have to be built with the Asset Manager, which re-builds the mod with any changes you’ve made.

The mods folder is typically located under the Grim Dawn install directory. Mine, for example, is
"I:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods"

Hopefully this solves your issue.


Appreciated. Mine is the GOG version so it differs; I think this caused part of the confusion. I copied the folder I had to the main directory mod folder and it appears to have allowed me to recover my character/progress, so thanks again.

Is the asset manager a necessity, because I have this working quite fine at the moment?

Also a quick couple of questions:

  • Do I use the 2560 files to overwrite the files in the prior directory?
  • Is there any reason why the main menu screen theme has disappeared? Possible related to the asset manager. Which part of the mod contains the main menu screen? Thanks

No, if everything is working fine.


You either don’t have a UI theme installed or it’s not installed properly. This would not be affected by the Asset Manager. The X-Mod does not contain any main menu elements.

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After a few requests, I’ve added increased sizes to the bag, inventory and smuggler grids for the Grim UI: X-Mod source files.

Grim UI: X-Mod (X-Storage)

Here’s the X-Storage version (compiled) in case anyone is curious. Just overwrite the Grim UI: X-Mod files with the new ones.

:arrow_down: Grim UI: X-Mod (X-Storage).zip

I’ll leave this download link here until the next patch releases. After that, you’ll need to download the source files and compile this version yourself (as I will keep those updated).


Holy crap.the stash is huge.It’s not a biggie but the stash are not aligned with the quest log when playing with a controller same with the shop.It’s not the end of the world it might just be my ocd getting the better off me :grin:

I certainly sympathize with your OCD. :wink:

Hello, I am back from retirement. And I’ve already made such stash with a proper adjustment for vendor’s window and notes, and so on.
Do you know how to increase a vendors storage space for an items that we’ll sell to them? What files I must change?

Welcome back!


Also look at their *_mastertable.dbr files too.

To increase the number of items they sell, I think those files are:

This should get you started…hopefully.

Unfortunately, without success.
I think I’ll leave it as it is in the original game. Most likely the number of items hardcoded in the game engine. In fact, this does not affect anything and is a feature, not a bug. I don’t want to increase the number of items that vendors sell - I do not want to upset the balance of the game.
By the way, new UI mod for 1920x1080 and higher screen resolutions coming soon - after patch, I suppose.
Thanks for help!

I haven’t messed with the merchants too much, so it was my best guess. Sounds like it all worked out for the best though.

I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with the UI in your upcoming mod!

Here’s a mock-up of what I intend to make the new default X-Mod storage look like. In keeping with the spirit of “more bigger, more better”, I decided to squeeze every ounce out of the grids. Unless there are any technical issues in game or a shit load of opposition, I hope to get this out in the next few days.

I realize it’s not a tremendous change, but 2 more rows should pretty much finish off 1920 x 1080’s capacity.





Very similar to my version, but I slightly changed the concept of the approach to building inventory. Don’t you think we’re doing the same thing? Maybe we should join forces in future?

And another my version with more storage:

Here, the main inventory is equal to that in the original game, and the five additional backpacks are huge. As a result, the total storage space is even larger than any other option.

And some more screens:

Coming soon…


Wow, man…really nice work!

Yes, I do think we’re doing exactly the same thing. And again, yes, maybe we should collaborate.

I don’t know how soon “Coming soon…” means but, I may just pause my X-Mod development for now. No sense in wasting time on it when clearly some of your concepts exceed mine!

Again, great job, man! I can’t wait to see what some of the comments are to your post.

I like the second version up in your details spoiler tag. The backpacks underneath with the larger storage area and then the smaller one to the left would probably be enough space to have any needed resource materials, skeleton keys and such.

Which for me at least, would mean less inventory management since if that space is full then all other drops would end up in the backpacks directly ! :+1:

So you switched the location of inventory and bags, resulting in a tiny inventory and oversized bags?

That basically doubles the storage over what we have now, if you keep the char stats the same size as they are today (so your 2nd pic)

EDIT: so your other pics are now showing too, I like them, wished the ruined shrine / desecrated shrine could extend the background image instead of adding so much black, but other than that, it’s great

EDIT 2: will be a bit of a pain though for users of the current Grim UI X-Mod to switch over as they will need to rearrange most of their items due to the inventory / bag size & layout :wink:

Thanks! Currently the mod is ready. I play it on without any problems. I can upload you all source files right now. All you need to make new versions for any patch is to change 4 lines in one file for proper inventory coordinates (you know).
I have GOG-version of the game and I can’t make fast updates unfortunately. If you are ready, I’ll send files for you. All I need - just some credits in description and one note about free distribution. Something like this:

Feel free to use this mod in any projects you’re working on so long as they are not for profit and (or) for donations of any kind.

I must clear information about another file - modification with information priority. Both versions have big backpacks. But one of them have huge backpacks.
I play the game with this version (with information priority). And I cleared Ancient Groove with ALL items placed in my backpacks.
And I also use small main inventory for components.


By the way, sometimes I use both versions - in this case I have the chance to change the size of the backpacks whenever I need. For example, before entering an area with rich loot, I can install “Pack Rat” version. And after I sell the loot to merchants, I exit the game and install “Strategist” (information) version. The game saves are compatible.

Mod contains right now:
Mega expanded backpack + standard information tab (“Pack Rat” version with storage space priority)
Expanded backpack + mega expanded information tab (“Strategist” version with information priority)
And in both versions:
Expanded Smuggler stash
Expanded Illusionist window
Expanded Factions relations window
Expanded Notes and Help windows
Expanded Crafting window
Expanded Inventor window (cosmetic change, functionality is the same as in original game)
Expanded Vendor and Faction vendor windows (cosmetic change, items quantity is the same as in original game)
Enlarged windows for all varieties of shrines (cosmetic change, items quantity is the same as in original game)
Expanded text margins (in some cases) - made specifically for some localizations
High quality graphic design with original game style
All lines and cells are properly aligned

About black colour on the screens with ruined shrine / desecrated shrine - they are not black :slight_smile:
All images have high quality graphic. You see just low quality edition for this forum.

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