[REL] Grimarillion v90d

I didn’t put it there. Dropped gear doesn’t have random affixes for GQ classes, and if they did the affix names would be obvious. Probably a demon hunter affix.

Yeah, probably Demon Hunter since it’s showing that Scatter Shot is one of the skills that character can use.

Seems to be missing its info

In GDStash is shows properly

But ingame

Where did you get that ring from? Random drop? I found the file and fixed it but I don’t have the slightest clue how to test it.

Got it out of my stuff in GDStash. Was starting a new Spirit/D3 Necro pet build and although I wasn’t going to use Bone Fiend the +18% all damage for pets at an early level was nice to have so I copied a couple of them into the transfer stash and then when I had enough Spirit went to equip them and saw that.

Don’t know where or when I found it and tucked it away in GDStash for future possible use. I assume it was a random drop from something.

I’m not sure it even drops anymore, so I have no idea.

Hey yall, I just started with this mod recently and have to ask are there anyway to bypass the 10k physique requirement for item craft by Haedrig ?

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, you need the Hold Your Ground skill maxed out.

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I know it is early, but with the upcoming expansion and changes to the passives, how will that affect the “reskill” function?

I haven’t looked at any 1.2 stuff yet, and I have no idea what to expect from the expansion. My guess is that most existing reskill gear will still be fine, the reskill components all use unaltered files from the base game so any changes to those skills are reflected in reskill directly without any input from me. However any new items will not be added (at least not by me, if someone else does I’ll update it).


Looking forward to enjoying Grimarillion in 1.2 and the new expansion! :slight_smile:

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I have a few things planned that I hope everyone will enjoy, no ETA because time is not on my side lately… but I want it out before 1.2


Looking forward to that!

Yeah, one more Grimarillion for v1.1.9.8 would be schweeeet :slight_smile:

when i enter the game it said grimmest off,whats that?

There’s a “G” in your inventory bag. If you click on it it calls up Zeak and you can increase the mob/hero spawn numbers.

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Dont know if its a bug or an issue on my end,if any1 knows whats up,but check this out,under my name i get that error text instead of class name


Not a bug, just the way mods work in the game. The mod isn’t fully loaded yet so until you actually start the game it will show that. Once you enter and then go back to the character selection screen it’ll show the class name properly.

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sweet,thanks for the reply

I forgot about that, thanks to GI. But I guess it’s back to that soon again, once 1.2 is out and ready with Grimarillion! :slight_smile: