[REL] Grimarillion v91

v73b Changelog

*Fixed an issue where WPS weren’t working at all. Weird conflict when I enabled staff usage, should work ok now though, storm spread shoots in a nova but not much I can do about it.

Art of the Hunt:
*Updated tooltip to show the skill must be toggled.
*Added mana reserve and 12 m radius.

Art of the Hunt - Trailblazing:
*Replaced mana cost with mana reserve

Art of the Hunt - Find Cover:
*Replaced mana cost with mana reserve

Astral Rift:
*Fixed an issue where the dmg aura wasn’t scaling.

Thorn Sprites:
*Adjusted flapping sounds, should be slightly quieter now.
*Adjusted attack speed and cast speed.
*Basic attack changed to ranged.
*Physical damage on basic attack replaced with acid.
*Increased cooldown to 3 seconds, duration increased up to 12 seconds. (if anyone is opposed to this change please send me your thorn sprites build!)

Thorn Sprites - Fabrical Tear:
*Reworked/Renamed, Now called “Thorn Spray”
*Deals Piercing/Poison damage.
*Fires projectiles in an arc in front of the sprite, dealing less damage to nearby enemies, and more to distant enemies. Ranks increase the number of projectiles.

Thorn Sprites - Summoner’s Call:
*Reduced duration bonus to 18 seconds. (Total bonus remains unchanged)

Call of the Wild:
*Adjusted the hitbox radius so the full pack of wolves can better target the same enemy.

Envenom - Occultic Venom:
*Reduced max level to 1 point.

Ancestral Horn:
*Fixed a broken sound reference.


To install, drag and drop onto your existing Grimarillion v73a installation. (That means you have to have already installed grimarillion v73 and v73a)


The Rainbow file was updated for v73b. :dash:


Hello Asylum. This skill is Storm’s Winter Sprite pet link skill , but only affect player modifier , not pet modifier
It’s bug ? or normality ? I want use this pet but this skill is not pet skill…so sad

What makes you think it works on the player?

Divine acheron’s touch seems to reduce cooldown of ravage, but looking at that skill (and modifiers) it does not have a cooldown.

Yeah, old modifier from when ravage was bone spires, will see what can be done

I think it’s stupid to ask … I haven’t played GD in a while but looks awesome…

Can I use it with the latest version of grimarillion? ^^ is not out yet and might require an update of the mod, depending on what changes there are (whether the changes overlap with the mod).

You can probably play with an older version of the mod, but then you are missing some of the GD updates that are not yet incorporated into the mod if there is overlap.

EDIT: so was just released…

The only thing grimarillion is lacking will be the devotion updates

cool, thx!!

Shattered affixes will need to be updated to 1.6 version because it used the previous version of questevents.lua that triggers the script to open the tomb.

Does v73 compatible with the latest patch

It only player’s damage modifier upgrade skill’s damage and player’s Off-Hand weapon Damage affect.
and Pet damage modifier give nothing … that’s right ? or bug ?

The tooltip is just bugged, it scales on pet damage not player damage. The weapon damage is based on the pet’s own innate damage stats.

Um…ok :smiley: Thank you

v73c Changelog

Shattered Affixes:
*Updated to 1.6
[MOD] Shattered Affixes: 246 unique skills modifiers + 1661 new affixes

*Fixed an issue with Korvaak humans and staff/spear items.

*Divine Acheron’s Touch - Replaced the reduced cooldown modifier with 10% attack speed and 30 vitality damage for Ravage.
*Divine Sword of Covu - Reduced base bleed damage, increased base bleed duration, reduced bleeding damage modifier to 25% and duration modifier 50%, added 6% Weapon Damage for Ravage.
*Divine Blood of Ouranos - Removed extra projectile modifier for Ravage. Added 198 electrocute over 3 seconds to Ravage.
*Divine Soul Harvest - removed flat vitality, cooldown reduction, and bleed modifiers from Ravage. Added 15% Attack Speed, 4% ADCTH to Ravage.
*Divine Sacred Spear of Nephthys - removed resist reduction from Ravage. Reduced weapon damage modifier to Ravage to 12%.
*Divine Geras’ Walking Stick - Removed extra projectile modifier and conversion for Ravage. Added 20% Weapon Damage to Ravage.
*Divine Osiris’ Codex - Reduced aether damage to Ravage. Added Cold to Lightning Conversion.

*Removed many modified devotions, the adjustment to allow ternion to trigger devotions is no longer needed.

Quick Recovery:
*Updated the description to clarify the skill isn’t on a duration anymore.
*Fixed an issue where the skill was requiring more mastery points than it should.

Winter Sprite - Boreal Smash:
*Fixed an issue where the tooltip was showing the damage values as if the scaling was player scaling. (it’s not, just a visual bug)

Thorn Sprites:
*Fixed an issue where the last 6 levels were not scaling the sprites as intended.



Ok I followed the steps to instal this mod but when I go into the game its is like the normal game except I have the extra masteries

Sounds fine to me, what are you expecting?

Well Before I got extra spawns of hero monsters and there was a thing in the inventory to adjust those spawns and now when i try to play I do not get either of those the grimmest part doesnt not work for me anymore.

The Rainbow file was updated for v73c.

Thanks ASYLUM101 and WareBare. :slightly_smiling_face: