[REL] Grimarillion v91

Grimmest and zeke seem missing

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That is what I was trying to say

Grimmest and Zeke not working for me too :smiley: check please

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hello asylum101 ammā€¦ i think found bug one new character start in not have five bagsā€¦ check pls

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I created a resource to explain the complexity of Resist reductions to new and returning players.

To make it even simpler, I developed a calculator with dropdowns for all combinations of masteries and devotions. Simply make selections in the dropdowns and all values of Resist reduction auto-populate and calculate through an algorithm. Players can easily test to see which masteries will synergize well together! Enjoy!

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Same here. Right clicked the token, it disappeared but Zeke didnt show up. Existing char, didnā€™t test new.

Just tested on a new char. Zeke doesnā€™t show up :confused:

It could be the script main.lua if it doesnā€™t load the script for Zeke, I didnā€™t look into it.

I borkes the scripts when I merged shattered affix mod

Any idea how long to get the script fixed?

The links have been updated, check the OP or the linked post to redownload.

No other changes besides the scripts update, easier to just reupload 73c again then to make v73d.

edit looks like theres still an issue with the DC gateā€¦

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yeah just created a new char to test and I canā€™t enter.

I am a newish player and just loaded this up again this morning. I was going bonkers trying to Google why I couldnā€™t get into the Burrwitch Prison Gate any more in act 1 until realizing just now that ā€œDC gateā€ in that last post meant Devilā€™s Crossing, which is the issue I have. I tried to bypass it by fixing the bridge to Act2, but that didnā€™t work either. Youā€™re able to select the dialogue option, but nothing happens afterward.

I was missing one line in the latest quest events/lua, reuploaded the new version with the correct questevents.lua.Sorry.

Made a forum account to ask this question lol. Does that missing line also control the Aetherials popping out at the Candle District rift?

I left the Malmouth Sewers to go reclaim the resistance base there and no enemies would spawn, so I canā€™t make any progress in AoM at the momentā€¦

yup, reached wightmire riftgate and the ā€œbattle eventā€ didnā€™t trigger

Yeah, just play 73b for now, not really sure whatā€™s going on, will have to look into it more.

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Not multiplayer friendly

Well, I will chime in to say that Grimmest is not ready for the update just yet. Progress has been made, but with an update like this, I have to essentially remake the mod, and then there are clashes between mods in Grimarillion, so this process is not trivial and Asylum is depending on multiple people to fix their shit and help him put all the pieces back together.

So, in classic Crate fashion: SOON, but please be patient. We are working on things.


Anything the rest of us can help with, @jiaco ?

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