[REL] Grimarillion v91

You can adjust UI scaling, hopefully it fits then. There is no version without stasher

If youā€™ve been playing Grimar for a while you may or may not remember a time when Rupture worked with all weapons. Since it used to work with all weapons, there are a variety of weapons that never got updated since Rupture got reworked as a 2h skill. Iā€™ve already fixed these items for the next update, if anyoneā€™s curious as to what will happen to themā€¦

*All versions of Lord Sethā€™s Blade replaced Rupture bonuses with Volcanic Orb. Divine version now has skill modifiers to Volcanic Orb.
*Divine Lykaion Malleus now removes the 2h weapon requirement for Rupture and adds a 1 second cooldown to it. Dual wielding Lykaion Malleus uses both hands for attacking.
*All versions of Scale of the Black Dragon replaced Rupture bonuses with Flame Surge. Divine version now adds 0.5 second cooldown to Flame Surge, modifies damage by 25% and converts 100% physical and fire damage to Chaos.
*All versions of Ebon Greatshield replaced Rupture bonuses with Heat Shield. Divine version now reduces Heat Shield cooldown by 0.5 seconds and adds 12% retaliation damage.
*All versions of Sun Disc replaced Rupture bonuses with Rain of Fire. Divine version now adds 3 second duration and -1 target area to Rain of Fire. Also added -18% Fire Resist modifier to Squall.
*Removed Rupture skill bonus to Onuris Spear.
*Divine Onuris Spear Rupture skill modifier changed, now adds 40% weapon damage to Rupture.

If thereā€™s any other items let me know and Iā€™ll check to see if theyā€™ve been changed already, sometimes I forget to update my changelog but Iā€™m pretty sure I went through most items with rupture bonuses and reviewed them

Iā€™m in the process of completely redoing the affix tables for GQ items. Zenith items can stay as is until Ceno eventually updatesā€¦ When Iā€™m done, you can expect the crafting recipes to change. Instead of Titan Slayer gear for the various damage types you will have Titan Slayer gear for the various GQ classes. (eg., Titanslayer Earth Staff, Titanslayer Dream Staff, etc). Thereā€™s still going to be a degree of randomness to it because ā€¦ well itā€™s crafting, if it was guaranteed for certain stats it would just be a unique.


Thank you thank you! Any change will be much appreciated! :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:

Just a quick question.I am playi Defend/champion i use banter as my main damage skill.Banter has modifiers but no link.Does it still add the modifiers?

Nvm im being stupid i forgot i can just test it with the one that add +5 recharge and itā€™s working fine

Can someone explain to me how Ravage from Spirit Mastery works? 8 charge levels , does it means i do 30% of my normal damage as the 1st hit and 50% as the 2nd and so on?

I am doing a charge skill right now with Shaman. Itā€™s 0% bonus on the first hit, and if 30% is the first charge, 30% bonus on the second hit. The way you are describing it, it sounds like you are saying thereā€™s a damage penalty. Iā€™m not so sure about thatā€¦

I looked up the skills you are talking about and I am confused by what you are saying since itā€™s attached to a constant debuff aura. Is it different in Grimarillion?

Yes. Asylum101 has changed many of the TQ skills to better match the GD universe/theme.

OK, cool. Then all I can say is the first charge shouldnā€™t occur until after the first hit, unless thereā€™s an exception in the skill description. Then the third hit would be the second charge.

Hi, I loved this mod. I am playing Earth / Nature and I realized that Kodama does not cure Core Dweller, despite the description of Kodama (Regrowth and Dissemination) abilities saying that it heals all allies. Is this a bug or am I getting it wrong?

PS. Sorry my bad english

Hello! Using the latest version of this mod (v76 at the moment of writing this).
Not sure if that has been pointed out yet, but staves seem to be using ranged 2h animation for proc skills like Oathkeeperā€™s ā€œSmiteā€
Looks a bit funny to me, like youā€™re shooting a rocket launcher instead of a magic stick.
Screenshot below:

The direct heal from the Kodamaā€™s skill ā€œregrowthā€ cannot be targeted on pets. I dunno why, but pets will not heal pets. However, ā€œdisseminationā€ chains to nearby targets (up to 10) and heals them as well. Itā€™s not a great heal and due to a limitation I canā€™t add a % Heal on the chain. However, you can heal nearby pets with Sustained Growth (health regen in 20m radius), Overgrowth (more health regen in a smaller radius), and Sanctuary (more health regen, % heal and dmg absorb)

Not a bug, thereā€™s just not many options when it comes to staff animations, Iā€™m not an animator by trade so to add custom animations is difficult work, I make due with what is available.

As others have pointed out, the damage ramps up with your attacks. Your total damage with Ravage attacks is modified by that charge level multiplier. 30% means your attacks are only 30% effective in terms of damage. The flat damage and the % dmg bonuses in the skill are always in full effect and are not hindered by this modifier. It works the same as Shamanā€™s Savagery or Oathkeeperā€™s Righteous Fervor.

Again, not sure if there has been any discussion previously held about this sort of topic or similar suggestions made, but have you at any point tried using some of the existing melee 1h/2h animations? I can assume at least a couple of them would not look that bad.
Iā€™m also quite unaware if there are any technical constraints regarding this, so pardon me if this looks like iā€™m talking out of my arse.

Anyways, best regards, love the mod.

Ok thank you, i tend to avoid those skills, just a personal quirk of mine.

Thanks for explaining base damage.

I wanted to talk about my experience with Grimarillion and trying to make the kind of gameplay I wanted for any given session. This is not a criticism of the game, infact when played properly, Iā€™d say itā€™s well balanced regardless of difficulty, as long as you donā€™t crank it up so high your given build fails to be viable.

I indicated I enjoyed playing in Elite difficulty (the one below Ultimate) to start because I enjoyed individual encounters with difficult base monsters. I never finished that experience as it was rife with extreme bosses and requiring leveling just to finish the main campaign (act 2 a huge bottleneck, and act 1 barely passable). I did 2x monster density and that was it! It fulfilled my expectation at the time but turned out to not be longterm viable.

The next thing I did with the mod about a month ago was play on literally the highest difficulty possible Grimmer and Grimmest gives, but instead starting on normal difficulty as expected. The ordinary monsters are mostly a pushover as you gain very high level very fast, and the game is totally transformed where the elites are the focus of attention. It really is an entirely different game. Somewhere around act 3ā€™ish, wherever that starts, LOL, and around level 70. At level 68 I had to drop difficulty by one notch as the top one became far too difficult. Iā€™m dying regularly but also able to hold my own if I seriously concentrate and play well. That was a full on GD classic Occultist/Necro summons build.

The biggest drawback here is a lack of resources. I couldnā€™t craft a level 50 item for my build because it required membership in a guild I had yet to be in with the campaign due to extreme difficulty and a turtle slow campaign progression (which I enjoyed) and I had virtually no Devotion points for my level (like 6 or 8 of them?). At the same time, I was very powerful, itā€™s just the monster spawns were equally powerful.

I then upgraded my PC and after getting a good framerate with an OCā€™d 1600 af (2nd Gen AMD CPU with a 1st gen name that has very high overclocking potential, bought it for 100 but currently has supply issues, and itā€™s a better overall solution than the 3rd gen budget quad cores as this is a 6 core/12 thread chip), I tried Normal mode again.

This time I did only alcoholics difficulty. I wanted a more casual and smooth experience. Boy is this a blast, LOL. The gameplay could be described as facing serious threats on occasion and sometimes 2 elites together as group spawns overlap. The ordinary monsters matter more because the drops arenā€™t as good, and you donā€™t need to heavily filter items to not spend all your time selling them.

Melee two handed single target attack (charge skill) and an extreme focus on health regen right now and only 1 point in a base attack skill.

I would say itā€™s sufficiently difficult and itā€™s well balanced so far (not yet level 20). If Iā€™d gone all out offense Iā€™d probably be dying more often because of the double density in monster spawns but Iā€™d kill pretty fast. At least with this defensive build itā€™s balanced. Iā€™m pretty happy with this mod overall. :slight_smile: Itā€™s allowed me to experience a very wide variety of experiences that were extreme and very enjoyable.

With alcoholics I am very consistently hitting Devotion shrines and progression is much more normalized but also leveling quickly because of density and plenty of challenge along the way. The only thing I couldnā€™t do is elite mode like a year ago (I could if I grind), all the other play sessions were very viable. Thatā€™s a huge range of selection for a player, if they are advanced enough action wise to take on a full screen of monsters. :slight_smile:

Uh. Hello. This new layout is going to take a while to get used to. For me.
Iā€™ve been playing this mod for a while, and I just updated, and now I have a problem.
The main inventory screen is a complete and total mess. I have to really change the UI scale to even be able to see anything.
Everything is just a giant mess, with a giant inventory on the right, fully unlocked even on a new character, which isnā€™t that bad, honestly, but I Just canā€™t play the game with this complete jumbled mess of an inventory ,and it just happened after updating from the version back in Mid December.
I donā€™t know which version that was, to be honest, but something changed to massively expand and make the inventory a mess.

Is there anyway to get the inventory and main page back to normal? Because otherwise I canā€™t play this until I get a brand new monitor, and that seems excessive. 1366x768 should be enough after all. :stuck_out_tongue: I know my monitor is extremely old now, but it still works just fine.

I donā€™t know if anyone else has this problem, but itā€™s very disorientating to try to play this mod with this complete mess of an inventory screen.
The stats panel is also bugged out by being well, way too long. As much as I am a big fan of having a larger inventory in video games, this was one game I never had an issue with my inventory getting full that often.
I also tested the base campaign and it doesnā€™t happen there, so I do believe itā€™s this mod. Or rather something added to this mod that completely breaks the inventory in a way that renders the mod unplayable for me. I need the UI scale to be a certain size. Too small a scaling and my eyes really donā€™t like it, and it makes it hard to focus.

Also, I get the weird, ā€œTag not found, door open.ā€ thing occasionally while in Devilā€™s crossing.
Sorry for the wall of text.

Your only option is to use the UI scaling feature, or mod it yourself.

It is literally impossible for me to mod this myself unless this is one hell of an easy file to change.
I see no reason why it had to be added in such a way that it cannot be changed or altered.
Maybe this is my Aspergerā€™s going haywire, but thereā€™s just way too much space now, and too much empty space, and it completely freaks me out. Itā€™s like I have the phobia of too much empty space or something here. Is that even a phobia?

Even I try to set the UI scale to minimum, it wonā€™t change the problem, and it would only serve to make my eyes hurt even more.

When did you add it to the mod?

Just try to look at the stats display with this inventory change. Thereā€™s just way too much information now. Everything gets cluttered. Then thereā€™s all the empty space. So much empty space itā€™s painful to look at. Look at the stats part of the screen, the main inventory page, it just takes up so much room now, and it just puts so much empty space on the bottom. Itā€™s so blindingly in my face, all that empty space, that I canā€™t focus on the game at all. IT just takes up all my view.

I love this mod, and I wanted to play it again, but this inventory change makes things too messy. I donā€™t get it. Even the benefits donā€™t outweigh the messiness.

I took a screenshot of the inventory, so I can post it if anyone wants to see what I mean.
I just, I canā€™t focus on the game with this giant inventory now, and with all the space it takes up. Everything becomes too cluttered.
I just cannot focus on it until I get the massive size under control. Itā€™s just too big.
I donā€™t need to have a brand new monitor just to play this mod. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have nothing more to add to this conversation, deal with it or move on. You wonā€™t find another mod compilation without an expanded stash, so again, I highly recommend you learn to mod it yourself.

At least help me figure out how to mod it. Where would I begin?

Expanded inventories are nice, but not when they completely overshadow the entire gameplay by forcing you to see so much empty space everywhere, making it impossible to even concentrate on the game. Which is what it does to me. And I know I canā€™t be the only person.
I have a mental disorder that is making this even harder for me than it would be for the average person.
I would like it if you would be a bit more friendlier and nicer here.
This is hardly how I expected a mod maker to act to someone who literally needs to fix this so they can play it again.
I canā€™t fathom why any mod would change the inventory in this manner, in such a massive way.
And why would it be so difficult to make it optional. Thatā€™s what I donā€™t understand. Thatā€™s the 64 Million dollar question.
I have no clue how to mod here, but it canā€™t be super difficult. I just donā€™t get why Iā€™m met with hostility here.
I have a mental disorder that literally prevents me from being able to play this mod again with so much massive empty space everywhere. Especially on the stats panel. Itā€™s just too much emptiness.
Heck, Iā€™m having an OCD freakout, and I almost never have those.
Itā€™s something about this inventory change that makes my brain freak out. I donā€™t know how to explain it.
I can assure you, having your brain freak out on you is not something you want to have happen, believe me.
It is not fun. It is a nightmare to have your brain literally freak out like this.

For me the extra space is useful, consider people who play on the highest difficulty with endless globes to shatter and items to pick up. Without it, when I did go that route, the extra space was actually needed. And most of the time I had things filtered.