[REL] Grimarillion v91

I can see why people like it, but it really does hurt my brain to try to play with the new inventory.
That’s not a joke.
I wish it was.

But this change makes everything far too crowded and it makes it impossible for me to play the mod.

If someone could teach me how to replace the inventory files, and it can’t be that difficult, I would do it so I could enjoy the mod again.
Because I love this mod.
But playing this mod is going to be a tad difficult with my Asperger’s freak out, and look it up, that’s an actual thing I have, and my OCD both firing off every second.

I know that sounds wild and insane, but that is how my brain functions.
I need the older inventory simply because I can relax when I see it.
There’s just too much noise in this new one.

I’m sorry, but there’s no other way to explain it, it’s just too much noise. Especially on the stats side of the inventory. There’s just too much noise. Or clutter, if you will.

I am familiar with those psychological terms and I sympathize, because I’ve had friends who claim, “My brain won’t leave me alone right now.” and they have to do various actions to make it stop.

That’s not a normal problem or reaction for someone to have, and so not something the modder could address for one person.

In addition, you are asking him to remove features instead of adding one. People play mods to get more and not less. If he does that for you, someone else will ask why it’s gone.

I have a problem where if I get very stressed I start making throat sounds or get face twitches. I worked on it and don’t usually have the problem, but some things trigger it. I try to lower my stress and it goes away. Anything else is beyond my scope to respond on a gaming thread.

Okay. That is a valid point.
I am sorry. I don’t mean to come across as a crazy person.
It’s just, I’ve never had my brain literally freak out like this before over a video game modded inventory.
I’m sorry for overreacting to my freaking out.

I honestly can see why I come across as annoying.
I don’t get social cues sometimes.

And every so often, I get a freak out moment, and I don’t mean to. But this is the first time I’ve had this reaction to something in a mod.
I’m sorry.

As soon as someone can help me figure out how to change it back, I will be fine.

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Asylum does not owe you anything, you ask him to do some work that is solely to your benefit here

you don’t understand because you do not mod. Asylum would need to release two versions of the mod, there is no other way to make this ‘optional’

I like it when people who have no clue also have an opinion on how easy or hard something is supposed to be… what do you base your opinion on ? certainly not experience / knowledge

I wouldn’t consider it particularily difficult, but maintaining two versions is a pain. I don’t do it either.

yeah, that doesn’t sound like fun, but clearly you are in a very small minority here. If it is this important to you, your best bet is to figure out how to mod

Extract the .arz

Delete records\ui\caravan and records\ui\character

Adjust records\game\gameengine.dbr so some of the value are the same as they are in vanilla, namely (the values below are the vanilla values)


Build the new .arz

That should be it, for details on extracting and building .arz files, there should be enough info out there, so I won’t go into details for that :smiley:

EDIT: this will give you the vanilla inventory, which is not what Grimarillion used before… I have no idea what was used before, so won’t comment on what to do to revert back to that. In general the same files will be affected however, regardless of what inventory sizes the mod uses (provided they are not vanilla).
You could find an inventory mod that works for you, remove the files mentioned above, add the files of the mod and merge the gameengine.dbr changes of Grimarillion and the inventory mod of your choice (see the tags above for what to take from the inventory mod - if the mod does not contain gameengine.dbr, use the vanilla values from above).

I’d need a very simple step by step guide on how to do that. I can understand what you’re telling me, but it does seem complicated.

I didn’t think that it would require a maintaining of two different versions of the mod. I just thought it was a simple file change.
The last time I played this was only in December, and the inventory was exactly the same as vanilla. At least it looked exactly the same.
I don’t know what changed, or when.

I just can’t stand the side with the stats panel, there’s just too much blank space there. It hurts my head to even stare at it. I’m sorry. That’s my only problem. If it did not expand so much, it wouldn’t be so bad.

I never met to come across as a crazy person, but it’s not really easy for me to explain how my brain works.
I hope your advice is simple.
Maybe if I did some copy/paste with old versions of the mod?
Not the entire gameengine file. THat would be bad.

other than for extracting and building the .arz, I gave you that.

As to extracting the .arz, use the command

ArchiveTool “E:_GD\Mods\grimarillion\database\grimarillion.arz” -database E:_GD\Mods\grimarillion\database

you obviously will need to adjust the path.

Finally to build the .arz again you need to set up AssetManager, google how to do that (i.e. what to set the directories to), I don’t have an easy description for that

well, if you want to have a version with an expanded inventory and one without, i.e. have the expanded inventory as an optional choice, that is exactly what it takes

this is not complicated and modding won’t be much easier than that in any game

not sure how that would be any easier than what I described…

you still would need to extract the .arz (this time the old and new version), copy the .dbr files over and then build the new .arz

If the inventory really was not changed, there is nothing to copy over though, so in that case you are stuck with deleting the files from the new version

that was the simple way :smiley:

If this is too hard, you are stuck with using the old version as it is and never upgrade… that is the only alternative that is actually easier / simpler

Thank you for your help. I will get those programs and do your advice. I believe I can get it to work with a bit of effort.
I will let everyone know how it goes.

Again, I am sorry for being so crazy. It’s just, I freaked out so much because I’ve never been this freaked out by a change before. I’m not normally like this.
I promise you that.

the programs come with Grim Dawn (they are in the install dir), as is the ‘Grim Dawn Modding Guide.pdf’ which describes how to set up AssetManager (and first modding steps), but is outdated as far as specifying the directories is concerned, as it does not take the expansions into account

EDIT: I set the dirs in AssetManager as follows

Working Directory C:\GOG Games\Grim Dawn\working
Build Directory C:\GOG Games\Grim Dawn
Tools Directory C:\GOG Games\Grim Dawn\

Additional Browse Directories C:\GOG Games\Grim Dawn\gdx1;C:\GOG Games\Grim Dawn\gdx2
Additional Source Directories C:\GOG Games\Grim Dawn\working\mods\gdx1;C:\GOG Games\Grim Dawn\working\mods\gdx2\

This might help… the important bit is the content of the Additional dirs, the first three you can more or less set however you want (or the guide recommends, which is different from what I have)

Okay. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to do anything with the Asset Manager at all.

Uh. Okay. That was weird. While trying to fiddle with the Asset Manager, I managed to get it to load the mod change. Weird. It took a lot of work just to make it kind of work.
Now I think I can compile it.

I mean, I keep getting Can’t load template errors.
So, I don’t know what the heck.

Follow the modding guide, it describes what to do (minus the additional dirs…)

I’m sorry, but I tried. It does not work.
I can’t get anything to work. There’s just nothing.
The guide literally tells me nothing. I’m not even joking. It literally does not even explain what I need to do in it. At all.
I really think I just need someone else to do the compiling. Because it will not work for me. Period. Can someone please help me out. Think of it like helping the Arachnophobia people.
Someone made something to help people with Arachnophobia out for this game.
To me, it is like a phobia. I guess. I don’t know how to describe my reaction.
But I really need someone to make this compiling for me.
Because I just can’t get it to work.

The guide is walking you through the steps… if that is not good enough, try [Script][Basics]Modding Beginner's Guide I
or use Google

Someone else compiling it for you is only marginally better than you using the previous version, as you will have to repeat this for every new version… so if someone does it once but not thereafter you are again stuck on one version you cannot upgrade from, it just happens to be the next higher version than what you would be stuck at right now

The obvious solution that’s easiest is to back up your characters and delete the installation of this mod and install a former version. Find the latest that had the old stash/inventory format and stick with that. You don’t get the updates but you’ll have the version you like in that at least. Many people often play earlier versions of a mod because it’s their favorite, there’s no shame it that. It appears they are all available at the top of this page…

The only other advice I can offer is to eat healthy natural food and possibly lower your meat intake. Perhaps your brain will heal a bit if at all possible. Anything outside of fruits and vegetables is a strain on your body and can cause unhealthy cell structures and inefficiencies as well as reduce overall lifespan and quality of life.

Asylum doesn’t own you anything.They don’t do this for money.They do it for us non modders.If you ever played a mod of Asylum then you would know he’s straight forward.Either do it yourself or learn how to.There’s a whole forum full og tutorial.Hell im almost 38 and teach myself how to write a game.Your never to old to learn :+1:

You can get the missing templates here, under Misc Files

place them in the templates dir you / AssetManager extracted the GD data to

I.e. the database\templates subdir of the working dir you specified

Good news, everyone! I managed to finally get the compiling to work, and have successfully removed the expanded inventory.
So, now I know how to do it without too much effort.

Mostly by blind luck, but still. I did get it to work.
So no more craziness from me.

And I am sorry for how I was acting. That is not the normal me.
We can say that was my evil twin, Divad. :stuck_out_tongue:

Between the modding guide describing how to set up Asset Manager and my replies, here and to PMs, pretty much everything was covered. I am surprised you think it still took a lot of luck on top of that :wink:

In any case, congrats. Now you can do this whenever the next release drops (should only take maybe 5 min when you know what you are doing and everything is set up) and do not have to hope that someone is kind and patient enough to do it for each release and not get tired of it.

You are very kind Mamba. :slight_smile:

Well, it felt like luck to me at times. But yeah, it was with all your help for certain.